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Hasta la vista, baby!


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Actually had a similar search done to me at the US border many years ago. I was traveling around the country looking for my first flying job and I ended up in a border town for the night - asked a local person about nightlife and was directed to a bar on the US side of the border. I wasn't too sure about how the US border guards would take my explanation about just crossing for a drink or two but thought, "what the heck" since I had nothing to hide anyway. I was, of course, directed to pull over for a secondary inspection since I had a few boxes of housekeeping type supplies (some kitchen gear, folding chairs etc). The inspection was fairly straight forward but the guard seemed to have an inordinate interest in a folder with letters and cards from family and friends. I finally asked why he was so interested in that stuff and he replied that he was looking for any that said something along the lines of "have fun living in the states." Well, none of them said anything like that and he was eventually satisfied when I showed him a map I had with all my intended Canadian destinations circled and highlighted along with a list of companies that I intended to call upon. The linked story, along with my experience, makes me think that with is a common technique for border guards.

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