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This guy will not votew Liberal

Kip Powick

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Subject: Carbon Tax - Not Political but Informative

Are we getting taxed a lot - probably.

Do we know where the taxes are going? Probably NOT!

Carbon Tax

Politicians have, in the past, used that old phrase of 'cutting taxes' to get you to vote for them.

Now, Stephan Dionne, has come up with a new wrinkle on that old lie: Tax your heating oil and tax anything else you

burn, tax everything else that you have always had in your life but, he will lower your income taxes.

CONSIDER THIS from a one person who has bothered to do the homework:

When a politician's lips move, I know he's probably lying. Mr. Dion says his carbon tax will be revenue neutral.

So, I went online and found a carbon calculator and keyed in the annual energy consumption for our household and

learned we produce 17 tons of greenhouse gas. Fully 60% of this usage is for electricity which we use to heat our home.

I have already improved insulation in my walls and replaced my windows and doors; use the new 'twirley' lights and

ensured that my appliances are all Energy Star products. In the past 20 years, these measures reduced my electricity usage

from 24,000 Kw Hrs per year, to 16,000 Kw Hrs per year last year. What is my reward for this improved efficiency?

My power bill is unchanged from what it was 20 years ago. But, my power bill would attract a carbon tax of $104

in year one of Mr. Dion's plan, and $416 in year four. My power bill would rise from $166 per month, to $210 per month in year four.

Since I live on a fixed income consisting of CPP and Old Age Security, my income tax bill runs at less than $200 per year.

So, for my household, Mr. Dion's revenue neutral' carbon tax will cost me $416 per year less income tax reductions of about $10 per year.

Revenue neutral? In a pig's eye! This is a tax on seniors, living on fixed incomes.

Well, Mr. Dion, you haven't got a snowball's chance in hell of ever getting my vote. I hope everyone else takes five minutes to run the

same calculations that I did, and vote to send this joker to the political boneyard.

Jon C. Coates - 70 Ridgevalley Rd. - Halifax, N.S. - B3P 2J9

Factual data substantiating this:

16.96 tons

60% of this is for electricity or 10.4 tons/year @ $10/ton in year 1 =

$104 or $9/mo @ $20/ton in year 2 = $208 or $18/mo

@ $30/ton in year 3 = $312 or $27/mo

@ $40/ton in year 4 = $416 or $40/mo

= Income tax paid is $110/yr.



Not one of these taxes below existed 100 years ago, & our nation was

one of the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middleclass, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

Accounts Receivable Tax

Airline surcharge tax*

Airline Fuel Tax *

Airport Maintenance Tax *

Building Permit Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax*

Death Tax

Dog License Tax

Drivng Permit Tax *

Excise Taxes

Federal Income Tax

Federal Unemployment (UI)*

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Gasoline Tax ( too much per litre)

Gross Receipts Tax

Health Tax *

Hunting License Tax

Hydro Tax *

Inheritance Tax *

Interest Tax

Liquor Tax

Luxury Taxes

Marriage License Tax

Medicare Tax *

Mortgage Tax

Personal Income Tax

Property Tax*

Poverty Tax *

Prescription Drug Tax *

Property Tax

Provincial Income Tax *

Real Estate Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax *

Retail Sales Tax *

Service Charge Tax

School Tax

Telephone Federal Tax

Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Water Tax *

Watercraft Registration Tax

Well Permit Tax

Workers Compensation Tax

What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?

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Interesting post Kip. I assume that this a forwarded e-mail you have posted.

It seems someone is attributing more to Mr Coates than what he said.

Here his letter:

When a politician’s lips move, I know he’s probably lying. Mr. Dion says his carbon tax will be revenue neutral. So, I went online and found a carbon calculator and keyed in the annual energy consumption for our household and learned we produce 17 toms of greenhouse gas. Fully 60% of this usage is for electricity which we use to heat our home.

I have already improved insulation in my walls and replaced my windows and doors; use the new “twirley” lights and ensured that my appliances are all Energy Star products. In the past 20 years, these measures reduced my electricity usage from 24,000 KW hours per year to 16,000 KW hours per year last year. What is my reward for this improved efficiency? My power bill is unchanged from what it was 20 years ago. But, my power bill would attract a carbon tax of $104 in year one of Mr. Dion’s plan and $416 in year four. My power bill would rise from $166 per month to $210 per month in year four.

Since I live on a fixed income consisting of CCP and Old Age Security, my income tax bill runs at less than $200 per year. So, for my household, Mr. Dion’s revenue neutral carbon tax will cost me $416 per year, less income tax reductions of about $10 per year.

Revenue neutral? In a pig’s eye! This is a tax on seniors living on fixed incomes. Well, Mr. Dion, you haven’t got a snowball’s chance in hell of ever getting my vote. I hope everyone else takes five minutes to run the same calculations I did and vote to send this joker to the political bone yard.

Jon C. Coates

The rest of your post is typical baloney harking for the good old days that never were.

Let's go back 100 years like the person in your posting wants to (courtesy of the google)

The average life expectancy was 47 Years.

Five leading causes of death were:

1. Pneumonia and influenza

2. Tuberculosis

3. Diarrhea

4. Heart disease

5. Stroke

Not to mention women could not vote, race relations were not exactly great and we were on the verge of 2 world wars...yeah things were so much better.

Gotta press 1 for English? Too damn bad, grow up and deal with it (the person who wrote it and the sentiment beind it - not you personally)

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"yeah things were so much better."

Meanwhile, inspite of all our progress, TB's been replaced by Cancer, we do pay taxes a tiny bit longer, race relations remain a mess and we're involved in so many conflicts, the whole game is at risk.

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