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Global Warming

Kip Powick

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I rest my case.

Really liked this one:

Which of the following is not true about an increasing greenhouse effect?

a) the consensus of scientists is that the problem warrants drastic action cool.gif nighttime temperatures may increase, but daytime temperatures will not

c) the coldest, driest regions of the planet will warm first

You are correct !

In 1989 as the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war were winding down, the Union of Concerned Scientists began to circulate a petition urging recognition of global warming as potentially the great danger to mankind. The petition was eventually signed by 700 scientists. Only three or four of the signers, however, had any involvement in climatology. Richard S. Lindzen, MIT

"When a bureaucracy's reason for existence is threatened, it typically generates new missions." Desperately Seeking Mission: Why the State Department's Gone Green --- Peter VanDoren

President Clinton and others cite a letter signed by 2600 scientists that global warming will have catastrophic effects on humanity. Thanks to Citizens for a Sound Economy, we know now that fewer than 10% of these "scientists" know anything about climate. Among the signers: a plastic surgeon, two landscape architects, a hotel administrator, a gynecologist, seven sociologists, a linguist, and a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. Global Warming Treaty is All Pain, No Gain ---Malcom Wallop

Over 17,000 scientists have signed the Global Warming Petition to express their view that "there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate." The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

"It's unfortunate that many people read the media hype before they read the (IPCC) chapter " on the detection of greenhouse warming. "I think the caveats are there. We say quite clearly that few scientists would say the attribution issue (the argument that global warming is caused by human industrial activity) was a done deal." Dr. Benjamin Santer, climate expert and contributor to the UN- sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

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Suppose those that say global warming is over rated/non-existent are wrong. What could the down side of not doing anything be?

Suppose those that say global warming is a major issue are wrong. What could be the down side of implementing unnecessary corrective measures?

It seems to me no one knows with absolute certainty what the truth is.

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Suppose those that say global warming is over rated/non-existent are wrong. What could the down side of not doing anything be?

Suppose those that say global warming is a major issue are wrong. What could be the down side of implementing unnecessary corrective measures?

It seems to me no one knows with absolute certainty what the truth is.

After reading the UN report a few months ago, it would appear that any man-made damage has already been done. Short of going to zero emissions and letting the atmosphere cleanse itself over the next 100-300 years, things such as the Kyoto Protocol are p!ssing into the winds of time.

Thanks for the link Kip. Wasn't too impressed with the wording of the first question though. It should asked about global atmospheric warming...

The Truth? You can't HANDLE the truth! wink.gif

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