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Recovery scene

Kip Powick

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The attached is a photo of a tragic accident resulting in the death of a driver of a lumber truck during the recent ice storms in Oklahoma. The thing that struck me was the number of firefighters at this truck... If you look carefully you will find 24 firefighters at this scene... makes you wonder who is minding the shop unsure.gif

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Hi Kip

Sad photo but I believe the remains of the driver are about to be removed. A firefighter buddy of mine once explained that it is not uncommon to form a photo barrier during what is undoubtably the worst part of their job. The position and location of the victim in this particulair situation is not ideal. This is just one possibility for the large number of firefighters in this "photo".


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This evening on the CTV News there was mention of "shooter" that was seen by 5 witnesses leaving the scene. "The police have an excellent description based on the 5 eyewitnesses but have not captured the suspect yet. Viewers are advised to advise the police if they see the suspect, last seen in the XXXX and YYYY area . he is described as approximately 6 feet tall, wearing black trousers,a red winter jacket and between 25 and 30 years of age".

Pretty sad when this country is that afraid of "human rights.Charter etc. that the media can not even mention the suspects race/color.

You got to hand it to the Americans...they publically display photos of offenders no matter what age or race...we here in Canada.............. well you know...

PS...I remember a few years ago when an Asian cop was reprimanded and almost kicked off the Toronto force for keeping statistical data concerning ALL offenders...apparently it is not "cricket" to keep any statistics.....

Gotta go, COPS is soon on the Tube !!!!!!!

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