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Kip Powick

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I can't imagine voting anything but Conservative federally but I think that The Liberal party has selected a guy with integrity and intelligence. The next election will see a campaign with the leaders of both of the main parties interested in ideas rather than just a quest for power. A good day for Canada. smile.gif


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Willing to listen to what Dion has to say. Unlike Rae. He screwed up a province, we don't need him doing the same to the country. Fiscally irresponsible. All of a sudden becomes a Liberall. Opportunist.

Then there is Ignatieff who has to start up a constitutional mess. Typical liberal who will say anything to get elected. Go back out of the country to your Hypothetical discussions and write some more books. Need I say anything about Scott(inside information Brison) who is a classic example of the sleaze that got the Coservatives in power. So many of the other Liberals are the typical knee-jerk reaction type opposing anything the government does even if they formerly supported that policy. They have been so repulsive in opposition.

But Dion, while I don't know a huge amount about his policies, I have respect for the man. He seems to have avoided all the controversy of his party. He strikes me as a very intelligent individual, not an opportunist. Perhaps he will give us an intelligent debate. Congatulations Stephane.

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I am rather pleased with Dion's win, and am not totally surprised.

However, who the heck is Steady Eddy???


Ed Stelmach Alberta's new premier

EDMONTON -- Ed Stelmach, a farmer and former cabinet minister known as a peacemaker and consensus-builder, will replace Ralph Klein as premier of Alberta after winning an upset victory in the provincial Progressive Conservative leadership race yesterday.

Stelmach, one of three candidates left standing after a first ballot a week earlier, pulled off a come-from-behind win over former finance minister Jim Dinning, who had been campaigning behind the scenes for years and was the front-runner going into yesterday's second ballot, and backbencher Ted Morton, who was second going in.

Stelmach opened his victory speech by thanking Ralph Klein for leading Alberta through tough times and then credited his family for standing beside him.

"Our campaign is about our future and generations to come," Stelmach said.

"I'd like to thank all the volunteers who have worked so hard.

"I'd also like to thank all of my MLA colleagues who supported me through the campaign."

With all 83 constituencies reporting, the former intergovernmental affairs minister to Klein recorded 35.9% of the vote, edging the 35.5% of the former front-runner Jim Dinning.

Rookie backbencher Ted Morton finished third with 28.6 % and dropped off the three-man ballot.

A total of 144,289 card-carrying party members voted, listing their first and second choices.

With no candidate garnering a majority, Morton's supporters' second choices were apportioned to the top two to determine a winner.

Through the night, there was concern in the Dinning camp the majority of Morton's supporters would have voted for Stelmach as their second choice.

A senior Dinning organizer said they had crunched the numbers and there was no way Dinning could win.

Stelmach supporters drew comparisons to Stephane Dion, who yesterday moved up from fourth place in the field to win the leadership of the federal Liberal party."

The votes were announced in an old airplane hangar in Edmonton.

Throngs of Stelmach supporters in white T-shirts and blue scarves carried Ed signs, and rocked the rafters with deafening cheers and chants of "Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!" as the results were flashed on two large screens.

It was a surprising leap in popularity for Stelmach compared with the first round last week, when 97,690 party members voted across the province.

In that vote, Dinning was first with 30%, four percentage points ahead of Morton.

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Willing to listen to what Dion has to say. Unlike Rae. He screwed up a province, we don't need him doing the same to the country.

I'm going to assume you meant to type "Willing to listen to what Dion has to say, unlike Rae who screwed up a province, we don't need him doing the same to the country."

Otherwise it's a big ........HUH? ohmy.gifwink.gif

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I can't imagine voting anything but Conservative federally but I think that The Liberal party has selected a guy with integrity and intelligence. The next election will see a campaign with the leaders of both of the main parties interested in ideas rather than just a quest for power. A good day for Canada. smile.gif


As a non-Liberal I agree they picked the best man but I find it very interesting that the people and delegates don't agree on who was the favorite! wink.gif

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