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Did you fly with him/her?

Kip Powick

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Any pilot who has retired from commercial aviation, having flown with a recognized Canadian airline would qualify.

If you flew for an airline in Canada and that airline is now "history", and you have gone off-shore, you would qualify.

Hope that answers your question, Rich. cool26.gif

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As it stands now, it is on sale. I believe it will go to $39.95 after 01 January!!!

If there is a high demand for the CD it may go higher but I would doubt it. Based on research and industry standard this CD should be selling for close to $50.00 and finally.....it is copywrited and has another feature cause we knew we were dealing with pilots.............it does not allow itself to be duplicated. cool.gif

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The CDs arrived at RAPCAN on Monday and they are now shipping out the first orders. It shouldn't take more than a week to get one in Ontario and the way our postal service works...probably less time out to BC !!!

I do know that would make very nice Christmas gifts ...user posted image

I rec'd a copy today and I think it looks pretty good.user posted image...of course I'm bias..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Brief update..... The CD referenced has one glitch...it will not run on a MAC as the CD was produced with a "no copy" feature and that feature was only available for PCs.

As it stands now, RAPCAN does have a few of the CDs that will run on a MAC... sans the "no-copy" feature. Those that wish to purchase a CD in MAC format are expected to adhere to the Copywrite regulations and NOT copy the CD for their MAC endowed friends tongue.gif

The price will be going up on 01 Jan 07 to $39.95, plus shipping. It would make a great Christmas gift for friends and family. In the future it will also be available at selected Flying Clubs, aviation outlets, as well as the RCAF Museum and hopefully the Aviation Hall of Fame. The retailers will have a suggested retail price of $39.95 but it is up to them .

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Just a quick question about the 'MAC" format - what is the actual file type? I use a Mac but tend to shy away from media products that are hobbled in some way. If you could give me a better idea of what the file type is I would feel a whole lot better about ordering a copy.

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Hi Kip:

PDF files are fine, in fact, Macs are very good at handling them (better than Adobe even). The question then becomes; is it one large pdf file or hundreds of little ones wrapped up in a proprietary viewer shell program. More to the point - how is the material normally viewed, with a self-loading viewer and how would I view it on my Mac?

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My posse has not responded yet but I believe it is one huge .pdf file and naturally one needs the Adobe Acrobat program to read it.

I am not familiar with MACs but when the manufactuer says it, (the MAC CDs), will run in a MAC I have to assume he knows what he is talking about.

I just looked at my PC copy again and it appears to be a large .pdf file but naturally all the toolbars that one normally sees on a .pdf file are not there. As soon as I hear any news I'll post it.


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