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Sometimes things don't go quite as planned

Mitch Cronin

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Here is an "OOPS" that happened right in front of a large group of us at Friday Night Beer Call at an overseas RCAF base quite a while ago. There had been an invitation to the nearby US Army base to join in Friday night revelry. Some of them decided to arrive by chopper and put down in the Mess parking lot. They could not leave it there so the pilot (aware of an audience I'm sure) lifted up, did a sort of zoom climb and a helicopter version of a stall turn and was coming down at a very steep angle which he should have been able to pull out of, however, ..... can you see the steel lamp pole towards the right top? He would have made it except for contact by a rotor blade with the pole. It was pretty spectacular and very lucky that there was no fire. The pilot was fine as he ended up between the cars hanging in his harness.

There was quite an investigation but that is another story.

PS. The picture is a bit shabby as it is a scan of an old slide.

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