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Blind bat... silly goat... dopey putz...

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Ze Mechanique cannot find ze pilot! unsure.gif

He go looking to find ze man at ze bar for ze brew and zome yak... sigh... ze mechanique is ze fool! He has Not made ze prrropper arrrangement and finds hisself feeling very much like ze fool while loooking.... and his mouth gets dry.... huh.gif

sigh again.... so.... ze foolish mechanique drives home and finds ze Appletons inshted of ze brew... alas there is no welcome yak to accompany ze wetting of ze dry mouth... but, ze wetting iz welcome in any caze... cool26.gif

Note to self: Check tie-down bolts on noggin before heading out into the big wide world alone, while on vacation. blink.gif

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Blimey! That's not a description I'd have used! ...but hey, whatever tickles yer fancy? blink.gif

It can have a whack to it, as anything with a wee bit more punch than wine can, but its the smoooooooth, honey-nectar-of-the-gods, top of the pallate whetting that werks fer me. biggrin.gif

Tell you what though... next time I have a hankering to have my dick knocked in the sand, sad.gif I'll have a hit and see if it does the trick?

Or is there some meaning to that phrase I've missed? (on a day like today, I'd be inclined to believe I could miss a freight train rumbling through my kitchen!)

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It's just a turn of phrase. I worked with some 'good ol' boys' from Tennessee whilst in Africa. 'Twas the expression they used for "shït-faced."


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Mitch, let me take a guess at a translation of your dilemma; you had made arrangements with Captain Hudson to meet him for a cool one (and discussion) this afternoon/evening at "Arizona's", and he was a no-show..... am I correct? I had thought about asking permission to join you two, but had prior commitments.

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You are essentially correct... except... (And I woulda loved it if you'd come too, so I woulda had someone to have a beer with at least!).... now here's the "except" part:

He mighta been there! I haven't got a clue what he looks like and the place was filled with guys who looked like they might be named Don and fly for a living... blink.gif

The last time I was at Arizona's must have been an off day, cause there wasn't half the people there was tonight... so I had the idea that somehow, two people looking for each other might somehow find each other... I waited from half an hour before our arranged time to half an hour after and didn't see a soul looking for me... But then, remember I said I was ugly?... Who knows, he mighta been there all along thinking he was looking for someone that didn't look at all like that ugly sod hanging out near the door?

I should have had the smarts to pre-arrange some clue... like "what will you be wearing?", or "will you have a cell phone?"... or, "I'll be the ugly fella hanging out near the door'... or sumthin' like that. I didn't give it any thought at all... thought it would be easy to find each other.... sigh....

Neo... Kapiche... It'll do that too. tongue.gif

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Hmmmm.... I see.... Yeah, the last time I was in there (several years ago) the place was pretty dead. Wonder how you could pick out a pilot in a bar full of pilots?

(I'm sure someone will provide a punch line here!)

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Mitch, I suspect (since Arizona's known for more than cold beer) that you spent more time looking in the wrong direction. It's well known that engineers have an unquenchable fascination with (twin) impossibly cantilevered structures...


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