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I can't remember who but.....

Kip Powick

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I can't remember who it was but I think it was a female forum member who asked me how the Military bases got changed from Bases to WINGs, and in particular how they got their NUMBERS.....my apology for forgetting who wanted to know....... but here is the reply from DND.....Names/addresses omitted for obvious reasons.

18 April 2005

Captain DK Powick (ret'd)




Dear Captain Powick,

Thank you for your facsimile of 12 April requesting information on how Air Command allocated wing numbers in 1993. I regret that we do not have the complete details on how this was achieved, as these files have not been transferred to the Directorate of History and Heritage. However, we do have some information that may prove useful.

The creation of wings was part of an Air Command effort to reorganize itself and address five distinct but related problems with the Canadian Force "Base" concept. These problems were" inappropriate role, faulty command and control, poor management structure, operations/support gap, and misnomers with respect to "base" nomenclature as it reflected air operations.

On 1 April 1993, the "Wing" officially came into being. There were historical precedents in Canada for some of the Wings. These wings were RCAF Auxiliary organizations and included:

No. 11 Wing (Auxiliary) had existed in Montreal from 1 November 1961 to May 1970. The name was then changed to 1 Wing;

No. 14 Wing (Auxiliary) had existed in Toronto from 1 October 1950. With the reorganization of the Air Reserve it became No. 2 Air Reserve Regional Headquarters and in mid?1973 No. 2 Air Reserve Wing;

No. 15 (Technical Training) Wing (Auxiliary) was created in Toronto on I April 1951 and disbanded on 10 January 1958;

No. 16 Wing (Auxiliary) existed in Hamilton from I October 1950 to I April 1964;

No. 17 Wing (Auxiliary) was formed in Winnipeg on I October 1950, ceasing to exist in November 1968 when CFB Winnipeg was created;

No. 18 Wing (Auxiliary) was created in Edmonton on 1 October 1950 and ceased to exist when CFB Edmonton was established;

No. 19 Wing (Auxiliary) was formed on I October 1950 at Vancouver and ceased to exist when Sea Island was closed on I April 1964; and

There have been two Canadian 22 Wings. The first was renumbered on 1 April 1947 from 7 Wing to 22 Wing to photograph Canada's north as part of the RCAF aerial mapping survey. It was disbanded on 30 November 1949. No. 22 Wing (Auxiliary) was formed on 15 December 1953 in London, being disbanded on 1 April 1957 when 420 Squadron was disbanded.

In addition, there were the four Wings in Germany as part of No. I Air Division:

No. 1 (Fighter) Wing was formed on I November 1951, initially at North Luffenham, moving to Marville on I March 1955 and Lahr on I April 1967;

No. 2 (Fighter) Wing was formed at Grostenquin on I October 1952 and disbanded on 1 August 1964;

No. 3 (Fighter) Wing was created on 2 February 1953 at Zweibrucken; and

No. 4 (Fighter) Wing was created at Baden?Soellingen on 1 July 1953.

As you can see, there is a precedent for location and numbering for some of the Wings. Today's No.s 3 and 4 Wing Bagotville and Cold Lake, being primarily fighter bases, probably have their antecedents in 3 and 4 Wing in Europe. 1 Wing, 2 Wing, 17 Wing, 18 Wing and 19 Wing formed in 1993 most likely go back to RCAF Auxiliary and CF Air Reserve roots, being of the same number and location as the historic wings.

The foregoing has been an educated guess based on historic precedent. How the wings were allocated numbers I cannot say, as the records on the creation of the wings was never passed on the Directorate of History and Heritage. I hope you have found the foregoing useful.


Directorate of History and Heritage

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The Fax never had my MIL rank on it but it did have my sin number so I guess they cross-check and found out what I left the CF with. As a rule no one refers to themselves by their rank once they retire, however I am still a Captain in the phone book..never changed that when I pulled the pin...became a "Dot" etc.etc. laugh.gif

In the airline world you can be whom ever you wish..I guess. Mind you I am the Captain of my boat biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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