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If Airplanes Were Computers

Kip Powick

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Mac Airline

All the Flight Attendents, Captains, First Officers, Baggage handlers, maintenance workers, and CSAs look the same, act the same, and talk the same. Every time you ask questions about details, you are told you don't need to know, don't want to know, and would you please return to your seat and marvel at the image quality of the in-flight movie.

Windows 98 Airline

The airport terminal is nice and colorful, with friendly CSAs and Security personnel, and easy access to the plane. After the plane arrives, 6 months late, you have a completely uneventful takeoff... then, once in the air the plane blows up without any warning whatsoever.

Windows NT Airline

All the passengers carry their seats out onto the tarmac, placing the chairs in the outline of a plane. They all sit down, flap their arms and make jet swooshing sounds as if they are really flying.

Windows XP Airline

The airplane is very pretty, and each passenger gets to choose their own colour and pattern for the paintwork, and their own favourite engine noise. Unfortunately the plane is so heavy and so slow that it is unable to get airbourne,and crashes at the end of the runway. When parked in the hanger, unresolved security bugs in the planes doors AND windows AND luggage-bay AND engines AND wings AND body panels allow theives to break in and steal all the seats.

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