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Chance? Fate? Serendipity... highway 407

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When highway 407 was built, there was a lot of fuss over whether or not it was safe, having no physical protection preventing cars from heading across the grass into the oncoming traffic.

For the benefit of those who aren't familiar with this area: The 407 is a decent sized highway that parallels the 401 for most of it's 50 miles or so, stretching over the top of the big smoke (TO)... It's a toll road, 6 lanes for most of it, 3 in each direction... until you get east of the city where it goes down to 4... and it's east and west bound lanes are separated only by a large patch of grass with a dip in the middle.

The fuss ended with a much ballyhooed inspection by the local transportation honchos, where they declared it to be just fine....

When I left work yesterday morning I wasn't in any hurry to leave and I approached my friend Mike Lavoy for a few words while he brushed the snow off his car. Meanwhile, my Sub was sitting with snow all over it... Mike finished up, we parted company and I continued to reflect for a few moments as I slowly brushed my truck off... and finally headed out myself.... out the 409, onto the 427 north, and then to the 407 eastbound....

About 3 miles down the road we all came to a stop. Ambulances and fire trucks passed us on the shoulders... police cars... eventually some "407 ETR" vehicles (those are the folks that own the road.. ETR=Express Toll Route) came along the shoulder and told anyone who would listen that the road would be closed for some time, as there had been a very serious accident just ahead... they recommended a u turn over the grass to get away....

Last night on the local news I saw that a pair of trucks in the westbound lanes had become entangled, crossed the median and plowed through about 3 other vehicles that had been heading eastbound... 3 people were in hospital with serious injuries.

This all occurred a few moments before I would have been there, perhaps right where I would have been had I not paused to reflect for those few moments in the parking lot?

Thanks Mike... smile.gif

Maybe it's not so safe without a guardrail or other divider after all? I hope those people wind up being ok.

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Even with a guardrail, it won't be safe until people learn to slow down. Has to be a mighty big fence to stop a semi doing a buck 120 or better wacko.gif

Good to finally meet you the other morn,,,

Offers always good for a coffee.... wink.gif


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Even with a guardrail, it won't be safe until people learn to slow down. Has to be a mighty big fence to stop a semi doing a buck 120 or better wacko.gif

Good to finally meet you the other morn,,,

Offers always good for a coffee.... wink.gif


Quite a number of years ago when I was still living in Montreal, my brother was almost killed in the same fashion as Mitch described on the 407.My brother was heading west on the 40, another car east bound lost control crossed the grassy ditch and squared my brothers car, the only thingt hat saved his life was the seat belt attachment in the floor ripping out and sending him to the passenger seat.Shortly after that, the Quebec government built a 7 foot high median between the east and west bound lanes with opening very few KM's to allow emergency vehicles to make u-turns, it has prevented such accidents from happening again and as a side bonus, prevented rubber neckers as you can not see what is going on, on the other side.

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