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Airbus Question


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Can someone enlighten me about the following:

On the airbus you have 'managed modes' and 'selected modes'. For the managed mode you PRESS the FCU know and for the selected mode you pull. What is the difference..having never flown one?

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Managed is where the FMC computes and orders the Auto Pilot to fly the aircraft.

Selected is where you are actually selecting what the aircraft is doing. Changing heading, altitude, airspeed.

Select an Altitude and pull. The Aircraft will climb or descend to meet the altitude set. Push and the FMC will decide at what rate and power setting it will climb or descend.

Perhaps the current Airbus guys can give you a better answer than my quick and dirty one...


P.S. Just thought I'd add some more here, when you pull the HDG Select, ALT Change, or AIR SPD knobs you are telling the Airplane what to do. If you PUSH those knobs you are asking the FMC to control the airplane. So Pulling - you are taking control of the plane. Pusing - you are giving control away to the FMC.

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Think of the managed mode as being similar to VNAV/LNAV in a Boeing a/c. In the bus pushing the ALT knob = VNAV and pushing the HDG knob = LNAV. Pulling ALT = FLCH (sort of) and pulling HDG = Hdg Sel. That is a simplified way of explaining the logic to a Boeing pilot.

Good luck.

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