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A simple question

Kip Powick

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Perhaps this was answered some time previously but I can't seem to find it.

Could someone give me a clear answer…please. Will the Union execs give the opportunity for their members to vote on the “final” offer before Mr. Li walks, or will Pam and Buzz make the big decision for most of you and then just go home if/when the doors close and carry on with their “other” union members?

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They're saying, so far, that we've already voted on that issue when we voted on our last contracts.

At least, that's the refrain I keep hearing... No, in other words... no vote is necessary according to the union honcho's.

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Guest Airmail

You should be doing more than that because the union execs won't bother with it. You should be coming together and making your views public.

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I agree the union execs likely won't bother with it but we have to at least try. What do you think going public will do? I for one won't hold my breath waiting for a helping hand from the government or for a great public outcry on our behalf. Who knows, maybe the government will realize what'll happen if AC folds (at least what some of us think will happen) and intervene in some way, not necessarily financially. Whatever we do, we have to do it now ... I think I hear the fat lady warming up her vocal chords.

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Guest Airmail

Don't hold your breath for government support -- that won't work nor would it be welcome given the strings that would be attached. Don't forget the conditions the government imposed just three years ago and what that cost the company and its employees.

What going public would go is force the unions to actually respond. Right now, all the media are hearing are unions who won't have anything to do with Trinity.

Good luck to us all.

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Guest directlaw


I am all for letting your union exec's know how you feel about the issue.

But do you really think the unions will allow Air Canada to fail because they want to protect the pensions of those not even hired yet? That makes absolutely no sense. Yes the unions are concerned about opening the flood gates on pension change. But can you imagine what would happen to unionism in Canada if Air Canada's failure is pinned on the likes of the CAW or CUPE.

This is TTI's last kick at the employees to make sure they have squeezed everything they can. They are doing their job. The unions are trying to protect as much as they can. They are doing their job.

Their intransigence is posturing only. I have every confidence that the unions will compromise in the end, if they have to, in order to secure our jobs.

This a high wire act with no net.....no one wants to fall.

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Guest retyred

Please...please inform Pam and Buzz that they're only posturing!!

Somehow, I feel extremely insecure out on this high thin wire knowing that they're holding the ends!!

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Guest jazzplayer

Like everything in life there is a downside, this would be the downside of unionism. I, for one, am grateful to be in one for the better wages and working conditions I enjoy. Now with the advent of non union LCC's the playing field is seriously tilted. If the members of the AC unions don't wake up and smell the coffee (that they will soon be selling) then all past progress will be lost. If they could take their heads out of the sand for a moment and realize that it is not 1980 anymore and look at what is happening at the competition (ie. no DB or DC, nothing!) then they would be wise to preserve now and rebuild later. I am grateful to have my job and would prefer to keep it rather than to be forced out into that very scary jobless market. Pam and Buzz won't go hungry. Fix the airline at any cost or there won't be one.

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