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Ponder this O friends!

Presumably, the light from our little system is still travelling from millions of years ago into deep space. If we ever built a ship that could travel many times the speed of light, could we catch up with it and see the system back then.

Even more interesting would be that if returned at many times the speed of light to the source of that light, just when would that tiny blue planet be in time?

...if only..

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WOW.......deep thoughts, are you saying its possible for me to go back to high school with the thoughts I have now?

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Guest soarcerer

My wife was wondering if the object at the 11 o'clock position a few centimeters from the centre could be our lost baggage?

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" but not a damn soul among you appreciated that...."

Just an observation... you constantly refer to anything with a prop as a "Weed Whacker" and even though you accompany these comments with a smilely face, you come across as someone who has little or no respect for the regionals, and while you may have been attemting humour with the aircraft you described it came across as just another put down. (or at least that's how I took it)


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...umm, I was being a we bit intentionaly over-dramatic just here Brett...

...as for the weed whacker stuff... Geez man, you gotta get used to that in this line of work Brett, there's always someone who has some colourful nickname for your pride and joy... aaand has fun poking you in the ribs... How do you think I felt hearing almost everyone call the DC10 the "Death Cruiser"?... ya can't let it hurt.

Big paddles, whipping around in front of a wing... it's an odd concept, and it looks wierd to me... no disrespect intended. That's what the smiley face is supposed to mean. (Besides, I'm an airplane lover and even the ugliest of them all will still have a place in my heart)

One of the guys I worked with for years, for whom I have tons of respect, would always -and I mean sincerely *always* - squawk like a pteradactyl when he saw me and a DC10 together... so I took to calling his bird a garbage can on wings (the 767... now one of my airplanes too)... it didn't shut him up, but as I saw him react, it made me understand the grin on his face whenever he made that squawk...

It's just a friendly jab Brett... it is not a reflection of my respect for the regionals at all. I'm a little shocked you'd think so... Even pissy little weed whackers deserve some respect. :Dplthththththt :D:D

The above smiley faces are intended to assist in showing the mood of the writer while writing the above and in no way should be taken as a slight toward anyone either living or dead.

But... since I believe that's the second time you've commented on my terminology for such odd animals, I will do my best to cease and desist with any further references to weed whackers.... and I'll try not to think of you as a wuss for complaining about it... ;):D

(same disclaimer as above) whaddya think? must be bed time by now eh?

Cheers, (B);)

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I think I'm beginning to understand, but it's like the sister thing, I can say what I want about her, but God help anyone else that does :D

I guess I'll have to make allowances for someone who has spent the better part of their career beating their head against a brick wall while dealing with an antiquated 3 holer :D :D

How are I doing so far ;)


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