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To the folks I've ticked off:

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I've been puzzling over what to do about having obviously annoyed some people with my posts here... I'm at a loss... I'd contemplated an apology, coupled with deleting all my past posts... but discarded that since I can't seem to find any sincerity in an apology for just being the confused and worried sod that I am.

I can apologize for generally pi$$ing people off... That's certainly not ever my intent, so if it's a side effect of my posting my thoughts, I am sincere when I say I'm sorry for that.

But you know... I'm just a guy who's trying to feed and house his family, like the rest of us... And as odd as my vision may be, when I see a King without clothes, I'm gonna say, "Hey, he's naked!"... when I see a yellow duck, I'm likely to say "Hey..."

...so if I've been set up to see things, and I've fallen into someone's trap, if there's nobody who's gonna help me see it that way, I'm just as likely to feed into their plot... I'm apparently a gullible man. If that pi$$es you off, without the benefit of seeing through your eyes there's not much I can do about that...

I'm not going to apologize for who I am, but I'm sorry it happened that way.

That's about as sincere as I can be. Now if there's something else I should know... Please don't assume I already know it. Be fair and explain it to me, before I inadvertently pi$s you off again. :S

One of my brothers once told me there's a line in a Beatles song that'll fit any occasion in life... I can't think of one for this, but a line in a song by Lennon comes to mind: Nobody ever told me there'd be days like these... Strange days indeed

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Guest Max Continuous

>>there's a line in a Beatles song that'll fit any occasion in life...<<

More like BTO..."You ain't seen nothin' yet"

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Honestly Mitch I wouldn't worry too much about the people you have &%$@! off and I don't see any need for you to feel like you apologize to anyone. You have as much right to your opinions as they do and in most cases they are probably only &%$@! off because your views do not match theirs. Its a free country and the last time I looked this forum was not edited to reflect only certain views.

Personally I admire a person who is willing to voice his opinion knowing that there are many others here who have the opposite view and are more than happy to argue it.


Shy High

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Sometimes that's how you rise to the top. Does R.M. and or AC p**S people off on a daily basis? Yes. You have never pi**ed me off and sometimes I don't agree with your opinions. Unions, Pilots, ACPA, ALPA, Jazz, Mainline, CAW, CUPE, Mitchnick, IAM, Keller, Teplitsky, Pensions, Bankruptcy, Milton, GTAA, Westjet, Common Employer, Merger.

Lots to get pi**ed off about. It's all just life as we know it.

Good luck.

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"It's all just life as we know it."

and as it evolves... Right on.

To the folks who say "Chill"... Roger, I'm chilled... I just wish pi$sing people off wasn't part of the deal. ...Mean time, I'll tell it like I see it... If I see it wrong, lemme know.


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I don't get it Mitch. We have been on opposite sides of most issues up to this point but lately we have been in complete agreement.

Why is it NOW you're concerned about ticking people off.

Keep up the good work.


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Guest M. McRae

Mitch if you never want to annoy people then I guess you will have to speedtape your keyboard upside down on your desk. If folks get PO'd, let them be the ones who worry about it. Life is too short to be concerned re how strangers view you, reserve that for loved ones. (Y)

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I wasn't aware that you'd said anything that could justifiably make anyone angry, Mitch. Speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may.



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