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What's goin' on?

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Since this:

"Referring to the pension counterproposal put forward by Air Canada CEO Robert Milton as "a positive gesture on a difficult and complex issue", Trinity Time Investments today called for a further meeting between the airline, the unions, and itself to move forward on these issues."(from Feb. 23)

...was apparently met with such certain refusal by at least some (if not all) of the unions.... Can anyone tell me where we stand now?

I get the feeling from many of my colleagues that there's a fairly widespread belief that if Trinity does walk away, there will still be alternatives. I guess years of experience have taught a lot of people to distrust what they're told. I'm not so sure...

The pension issue is not such a big thing for myself, since I've only been paying into it for about 3 years now anyway, so I can't participate much in that debate... But I still have as much to lose as anyone else if we're toast. The silence is beginning to get on my nerves.... like listening to Apollo 13 go silent as she hit the Earths atmosphere, and waiting to hear if they survived or not... perhaps not quite as dramatic, but this is lasting a bit longer... (almost seems like about 15 years now :))

We may have our wrinkles to iron out, but we're a hell of a team and we can do a fantastic job of running a world class airline. All we need is a green light to go.... once all this waiting and idling has ended, I know we can do a damned good job.... has that green bulb burnt out or what?

Or, put another way, without the metaphors and flowery crap... What the hell is goin' on??? Can we get on with things yet or what???....

(metaphors are good too) Yo, Skipper! You just take your hand and make that there telegraph signal "Full Ahead" and we'll turn up the fuel and get this beast on her way!

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According to an as of yet UNCONFIRMED post on another forum, a CIRB ruling is out in response to submissions made by CAW, IAM, CUPE and ACPA that orders Air Canada to cease online polling and refrain from other such polling or surveys; that AC destroy the info gathered so far from this poll concerning pension changes; and that AC cease and desist communicating directly with employees on the pension restructuring issue without the consent of the bargaining agents.

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I know this has been asked before on this forum but here it goes again. What is wrong with asking employees what their opinions are? They are not bargaining. We seem to complain that there is a lack of communication but when there is any, it becomes a great big issue and it is judged to be wrong? Doesn't make any sense to me.

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