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Looking For An ATC Controller

Kip Powick

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I am sure some of you remember, or perhaps still know, the infamous controller that was, I think initially based in YUL, and was then transferred to YYZ back in about 2000 or so.

He was easy to distinguish on the radio as his "tag" line was always "Roggggg!". I think many of us thought he is/was one of the finest controllers around and he was the subject of a different thread many years ago. If you know of his whereabouts or more importantly his name/email etc. would you please post it, or PM me.

Thanks for your help. smile.gif

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Before heading east, Michel was a controller at YVR ACC.

Always a pleasure working with him - and a number of us have told him so on frequency.

One of the things he most impresses me with is that no matter how heavy the traffic flow, he comes across on the radio in a relaxing manner. He tends to tell us who we are sequenced behind. When that flight get's a speed reduction or a turn we can anticipate the same for us pretty soon after.

There are many other controllers who do an equally fine job, but they don't have that unique, internationally recognized "tag line." wink.gif



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Thanks for the info fellows. I was always delighted when we got him on freq. He knew what the T-Rex could do and many times it was, (VMC), Direct OM at 3000 ft and a "slam-dunk" turn on final and down we went...it was a lot of fun. biggrin.gif

Standing by for his email address, and if you wish you can PM me.... Thanks Say again, Over !

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