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AC management cuts?

Mitch Cronin

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Thanks for your concern Mitch.

There is lots of conjecture and rumor flying around but nobody seems to know for sure. It does make some an unmotivated work force.

We had a town hall meeting with our VP a couple of weeks ago and that exact question was posed to him. While he twisted and turned he answered it with a non-answer. It would have been better if he had just said, you'll know when it happens rather than trying to be politically correct.

They did do some downsizing in IT a few weeks ago. They were not hit in the first go round as they had too many projects on the go. Hopefully this is it for this year. But, hell, it's not nearly close enough to Christmas for them to start laying off.

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Guest blizzard

We lost at least one in YYC Maintenance yesterday.

Heard that there were at least 70 to be released across the country.

(Hoping that my boss doesn't show up for a "surprise" visit in the next few days)

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Hmmmm.... Recent rumours spreading in our circles said anywhere between 300 to 500 "management" system wide. Supposedly starting yesterday... I thought that sounded a bit wild.

Nice to have such a straight shooter for a VP eh? Over the years I've gained a lot of respect for people who just say "I don't know." when they don't, rather than feeble attempts to deflect, wriggle and squirm...

Anyway, good luck.

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Do any of your managers have to opportunity to bid into a non-management position?

In flight ops it looks like most (all?) management came from union jobs. Do they not have the right to bid 'back down' to a line job?

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Guest Geminoid

Seventy non-union positions in Techs Ops being cut. Started Thursday. In YYZ so far, one engineer, one quality, one team leader in Trenton (part of YYZ numbers.) More coming Monday or Tuesday.

With 70 in Tech OPs alone, 300-500 from the company doesn't sound so far off.


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