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The "scheme" all along?

Mitch Cronin

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I've listened for a long time to a small number of people, in various circles, who've been insisting the master plan at AC has been, and still is, to shut it down, but in such a way that it appears the employees would be the culprits.

The thought is evidently that afterwards, out of the ashes, so to speak, would arise a new carrier with new deals with fresher employees (in many areas) and a much lower cost structure. Usually when this topic comes up it's pointed out that Milton would come out smelling like a rose.

I've been so far considering that line of thought as being in the same pile as the grassy knoll and other conspiracy theories that stretched imaginations invent. But I'm beginning to think there might be some possibilities there...

This deal with Mr. Li is dependant upon exactly the same agreements it threatens. Of course union groups "are livid". We've been raped and the culprits are being showered in cash for pulling it off! Given the obvious company ethic, or "MO", as demonstrated recently with the letter to ask if the Toronto Island would please lift their restriction on jets - on the eve of a municipal election where that is widely known as a hot issue! -, I wouldn't put it past them.

... or so I'm tempted to think at the moment... :S

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Guest M. McRae

Guess then the employees will need to "fool them" and keep plugging. Once the deal has been made with the players in place and the company turning a profit, then the employees would have a very strong card to play. IMO as someone used to say. ;)

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The problem, as I see it, with that theory is it would be easier said than done.

If the operation was shut down for a short period it would restart with the current employees.

If the operation were shut down pemanently and a 'new' venture started, it would take 6 months to a year to get airborne. The idea that the documents and manuals currently in use at AC could be renamed and used is incorrect. Just ask those involved in the start up of Zip.

As well, shutting a company down and restarting it to break the unions/contracts is illegal.

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The way I see it....once we " emerge " from government imposed, union busting protection......the employees will once again have some " input "....for then the low lifes that have been holding us hostage since last June....aka Milton and group of henchmen...will no longer be able to point a gun to our heads and play their sick game of Russian roulette........patience people....patience,

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