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Canada assessing future of El Al


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In all fairness, there are some outstanding geo-political issues facing El Al. The gov of Israel has chosen to ignore a number of UN Resolutions over the years. The americans are seen to be in support of that position vis a vis their policies and accordingly, have themselves become a target.

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So now we are going to make the right to fly contingent on having an unblemished record in political affairs...

The US and Britain invaded Iraq and a lot of people felt that was illegal. The Chinese persecuted the Fallon Gong - do we bar their aircraft? What about Arab airlines that deny the UN resolution which recognized Israel's existence in the first place? How about Aeroflot - the Russians invaded Afghanistan in defiance of the international community - but they had a veto at the UN Security Council, as does China.

In all fairness, trying to use UN compliance as a test of fairness is hardly fair because it would never be applied fairly.

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