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Junior last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. I prefer to avoid anything from China. I notice that the fish at the major grocery stores is mostly caught in China(including Alaska named fish). I get my fish at a specialty store. Have a decent size thermos for when I am at places where I will want to drink lots of ice cold water. But the thermos has a plastic smell. Looked at the bottom of it and it is made in China. Now have a BPA free thermos on order.
  2. Comments: Seems very strange that on the takeoff clearance, they gave themselves a heading clearance to 050 when the clearance was heading 330. They declared a Pan-Pan after the engine failure which is only heightened alert and turned without a clearance to 050. Looking at the video, it sure looks like they started the right turn quickly after takeoff. Surprised they didn't declare an emergency and go straight ahead a bit(maybe 1000 feet). There apparently was weather to the west so perhaps that is the reason for the turn. The inbound weather may be the reason they did not dump fuel. Perhaps time was tight but then why not just ask for delaying vectors instead of the time to enter and brief a hold.
  3. This is a serious incident that can cause great injuries to the person outside. Happened at my company on a freighter with someone standing on the stairs truck. The normal procedure is that only the outside person opens the door after getting a visual signal that the pilot has disarmed the door, but for some out of the ordinary reason, the co-pilot opened the door. Fortunately, the way the stairs truck was aligned with the aircraft resulted in it somehow blocking the slide and the person on the stairs was not literally sent flying off of it. The commenter in the news article who calls it baffling to understand is a person incapable of understanding simple things. People make significant errors sometimes, even on simple things like forgetting to disarm a door. These errors are frequently in situations where we have been made aware of the consequences of the hazards of an action for something that is a rarely encountered situation. At some later time this situation is encountered combined with a sense of time urgency. In the case at my company, it was a frequently encountered situation for some pilots and less frequent for others(depending on how often a copilot was flying freighters). For myself, I think a reminder to be a bit paranoid of opening and reminding yourself once in a rare while to never open one without stopping and thinking about it for a few seconds could be beneficial. You can literally kill someone. As for the pilot never opening a door on a typical passenger flight, there are literally millions of these flights per year. I suspect it happens on rare occasion. Just because we have never seen it in such a flight doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, even on an airline like BA.
  4. I had a well-known scammer promise me a modest short-term deficit of less than $10 billion for each of his first three years and then a balanced budget by the 2019-2020 fiscal year. I was obviously smart enough not to fall for it but so many naive people were so easily fooled that I now have to help pay for it for the rest of my life. And those naive people never seem to learn their lesson.
  5. I have been skipping over articles like this in aviation magazines for decades. Has saved me a lot of time. I even wrote a letter to the editor of Flight International to thank them for their overly excessive coverage of electric and sustainable aviation for saving me reading time by ignoring their coverage of this sort of thing(while also mentioning their loss of credibility). They never published it in the Letters to the Editor section for some reason.
  6. "I was previously in a relationship with a fellow pilot, and it didn't work out," Lucas said. "Dating can be tough, although now I'm dating a captain in my company, which works well due to our similar routines."
  7. Unlikely that any investigation will be done by the TSB, so I doubt there is anything to wait for. Might as well comment. It seemed like the wings went back and forth significantly on short final. Supposedly the 777 is susceptible to this and I believe that it was mentioned in the HKG tailstrike.
  8. Doesn't sound normal to be repeatedly saying something like this. Maybe he had or knew someone who had a scary F-28 takeoff.
  9. Seems reasonable to me. Start at 20 seconds on this video for about a minute to see what would happen if both were flying and firing guns.
  10. In the realm where birds and dreams delight, we find our joy in the art of flight. Update: Two likes, so I beat the ChatGPT.
  11. I agree. It was a fantastic poem until that last line. Maybe we can come up with something on this forum to be the AI. That being said, there could be some fantastic music in our future.
  12. Canada Is Getting A Brand New Airline & It's An 'All-Canadian Airline That Is All About Value' (msn.com)
  13. I think the exclusivity is good as at least a temporary measure. We all know the Big Two want to start their service, kill Flair and then after a while say "Gee, I guess there is no market here. Too bad Flair doesn't exist anymore". We know your game AC and WJ. It reminds me of AC abandoning YTZ until Porter came along. Then all of a sudden they were interested again but it was too late. Flair just won the CTA judgement. "To quote an earlier article...."Aviation observer and McGill professor Karl Moore said this week he wouldn’t be surprised if the regulator was prepared to show some flexibility at a time when the travel industry is still recovering from the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Really you have two dominant players and most Canadians would realize that it’s not a lot of competition compared to the U.S. or Europe or Asia,” Moore said. “CTA and Canadians want them to solve the problem because they want more competition.” In other words, AC and WJ are screwing over pax. It is about time someone started offering lower prices. The dominant players should try cutting their costs to cover instead of charging very high prices.
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