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Everything posted by Seeker

  1. The terrain around Dubai is very flat with few obstacles. The fact that the airplane didn't climb is, by itself, not much of a concern. The problem is that the crew did not, apparently, react correctly to the fact that the airplane wasn't climbing is the problem. Automation is great but when it doesn't work the crew must recognize it and intervene. The problem here is that the crew did not recognize and intervene in a timely manner. I would say this falls into the category of "big deal". The fact that the triple in the incident got to 262 knots shows either an unwareness on the part of the crew or a lack of knowledge/skill on how to prevent it - either way - bad. The "aircraft damaged" note probably refers to a flap overpseed. This is a "thing" but not necessarily significant. Depending on the magnitude of the overspeed may be addressed with a simple inspection by maintenance.
  2. I would expect your opinion on that is better than the rest of our's.
  3. I think you might have missed the point of my post. That is unless you're ignoring my content and didn't even see my post - maybe you're replying to some other post and won't see this this one either - it's all very confusing.
  4. This is a good point/post. When I see long time members posting insulting, dismissive and simply mean comments it's clear that something has changed. It's not just here in our little place on the internet either - I see the same thing in other forums I visit. I see it in myself too, unfortunately, I've posted some things I regret. The unvaxxed are being told, and believe, by those they read that their rights to free choice and body autonomy are being stripped away. The vaccinated are being told that they are being negatively affected by the unvaxxed. I don't know how to turn it around or if it's even possible. I do know of many families and relationships that have suffered severe damage. The fallout will be with us for many years.
  5. What data is that? It's been less than a year since vaccinations started. The people who feel that there's a possibility of long term side-effects will not be satisfied that enough time has passed. If you were wondering about the durability of a particular brand of paint; doesn't matter if you paint 1 house, 10 houses or a million houses - just gotta wait until some time passes to see how it holds up.
  6. Whether Ivermectin works or not we'll never see an application by a drug company. They wouldn't waste the money on the filing since there's no money to be made on an off-patent drug.
  7. Not the same person as far as I can tell from the information provided during the signup process. Might be people from the Free to Fly group out spreading the word or might just be that it's a polarizing topic which makes people want voice their opinion.
  8. It happened at 0517 and landing east into the sun which was just above the horizon. Also, other aircraft reported glare due to moisture in the air. This info is in the first 3 minutes of the vid. You must have just missed it.
  9. I'm glad to see there is least one other person that monitors the Rebel. It's not my go-to source and Ezra can get a little annoying at limes but it serves as a canary-in-the-coalmine to prompt me to look for "stuff".
  10. I know quite few who are not vaccinated and will not be if they can manage it. Their concerns (in no particular order); The slippery slope of government exerting control by mandating vaccines, passports and restricting the free movement within the country. Many feel that it's worth the fight against government over-reach irregardless of the "benefit" of the vaccine. The unknown possible long term side effects to the mRNA technology balanced against a perceived small benefit. The comparison to the little "yellow book" is a total red-herring. The vast majority (I would guess 98%) of those opposed to the Covid vaccine are fully vaccinated against all the standard threats (polio, measles, diptheria, etc). They are not "anti-vax", they are against the Covid vaccination specifically. They believe the threat from Covid is over-hyped. They believe the injuries and side-effects of the vaccine are under-reported. Most people against the Covid vaccination are very well researched, intelligent and informed. This is in contrast to how they are portrayed in the media - as a bunch of ignorant hillbillies. They believe that Covid is a threat for certain age groups and would even recommend vaccination for those groups but feel that the blanket "vaccinate everyone" protocol is akin to killing mosquitos with a sledge hammer. The above statements are not necessarily my POV - simply a summation from those I have spoken with.
  11. Yeah, or you could tell me. Of course, then you'd have to defend it. I'll admit it probably is easier to stand on the sidelines and make snarky comments.
  12. Because our society values personal choice and personal freedom. Some fat slob can eat MacDonalds every day and when he (predictably) shows up in the hospital with diabetes and heart disease we pay. Do you also think that's BS? Do you think we should take away his freedom to choose? What about the downhill skiers wasting all our precious medical dollars - also BS? Close all the ski hills? You're obviously convinced that people should 100% be forced to get vaccinated and too bad for their personal freedoms in order to meet the greater good. You realize this is a significant change to our society?
  13. I see. It's an editorial objection - you're bothered by the fact that the 0.1% in children isn't being given enough prominence or maybe it's the 2.4% under the age of 50?
  14. The material to support the "well established" claim is hot-linked in the document. Here it is for you, straight from the government website. That's acceptable to you? Data from a government website? Sorry, I don't have any CNN links to provide. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html I asked you about the number of children in the hopes you would go find out on your own what I already know - the number of children that die from Covid is extremely low. Yes, every one is a tragedy, just as every grandparent who dies is a tragedy. It's not macabre to count the number of children affected any more than it is macabre to count the number of people over 80 who die. Or the number of women. If you don't count and classify according to demographics how can you understand what's going on? I don't know why you and FA@AC are so worked up about the "well established" statement? Isn't it well established? Here is a graph straight from the Government Canada. Please tell me how your interpretation would differ?
  15. Well, I don't know. Every death is a tragedy to the family and loved ones of those involved - doesn't matter if it's a child or a great-grandparent. The F2F group is saying that Covid is mostly about older, co-morbid people. You 're saying, "what about the children?". I'm just asking about the relative impact of Covid on children. Your post seems to imply that you feel there is an adverse or inordinate effect on children. I'm just asking if you have done any research to back this up?
  16. How many children have died from Covid? I have no idea but you seem to think it's a large number. I don't have the time to do the research but would be curious to know how Covid deaths stack up against the traditional causes of motor vehicle accidents, drowning, etc.
  17. .....and nothing about microchips or becoming magnetic.
  18. Please don't do that. Don't try to discredit someone or some group by falsely attributing claims to them. Their platform is posted on the site - argue the facts, if you wish.
  19. I'm simply saying this; there are some people who experience serious medical episodes after getting the vaccine. My doctor says; "Yeah, well, when you vaccinate a bazillion people, statistically, you're gonna have people with medical events - doesn't mean it's connected." That's true, can't argue, but VAERS does have thousands of deaths reported. Other sources estimate that somewhere between 1 and 10 % of vaccination injury events are reported to VAERS. What's the truth? I sure don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a strong tendency to play up the stories such as, "Anti-vaxxer dies from Covid" while dismissing, hand-waving or downplaying any that run counter to the narrative. Here's a rather long-winded example, I'll try to write it so it makes sense; In both the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccine clinical trials, incidents of Bell’s Palsy were cited as medically attended adverse events (MAAE). Pfizer had 4 in the vaccine group, zero in the placebo. Moderna had 3 in vaccine group, 1 in placebo group. My co-worker's wife developed Bell's Palsy after vaccination. So, I'm talking to my doctor (maybe 4 months ago) about my vaccination concerns and I mention the co-worker/wife/Bell's Palsy situation. He totally dismisses it. Says, "Bell's Palsy is actually quite common. I could walk into any emergency room and find at least one person with it." This concerns me. Pfizer and Moderna themselves presented data showing it might be an issue and my doctor dismisses it - completely refuses to acknowledge any possible connection. Maybe I'm just hyper-sensitive but if this is his thinking - to dismiss anything that falls outside his clinical experience as irrelevant how can I trust his advice?
  20. Yes, that is interesting but you realize that only includes "Covid" cases, right. Someone get's the vaccine and then a week later has an MI or stroke - doesn't show on the list of Covid cases. I don't know how much of this there is - anecdotally there's - lots, officially there's - none. What's the truth? There's likely some - statistically significant? God knows.
  21. Yes, good story. Anti-vaxxer dies from the Covid. Gotta love the irony of that. What about the story of the pro-vaxxer who died from the vaccine? I make no claim about the relative numbers of "anti" vs "pro" dying from their choice. VAERS shows thousands of deaths after the vaccine and this number is widely thought to be a gross underrepresentation but, of course we'll never know the truth about whether these deaths were an adverse reaction to the vaccine or just co-incidence and I would certainly never make any claim. One thing is for sure, you won't see it being reported.
  22. Thank you UpperDeck; Your post shows the value of higher education.
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