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Everything posted by J.O.

  1. I had a couple of colleagues who flew those Falcons and they said it was a great gig - right up to the day they showed up for work and the locks on the hangar doors had been changed. That’s how they found out they were unemployed.
  2. I’ll take that bet. Talk to industry people who are responsible for finding underwriters. The available pool of capital for underwriting big dollar files like airlines and large real estate properties has dwindled to less than half of what was out there five years ago. Many have a ten foot pole approach to aviation these days and have moved their money into far more profitable areas like pet health insurance.
  3. At least two minutes past Max Q. Interesting statement from the woman commentating - “Everything past the tower is a bonus”.
  4. Funny, the lessor claimed they had already found new destinations for those aircraft when they confiscated them.
  5. Saw this on their social media yesterday.
  6. When I first saw the story (minus photos), I figured the airline had overreacted (as carriers in that part of the world are often known to do). Then I saw the picture. Beyond stupid.
  7. Accusations of nefarious interference by competitors; claiming it took a security breach to conduct the seizure; these sound like classic deflection tactics from someone who is unable (or unwilling) to accept their own culpability in what transpired.
  8. I wonder if the airlines have actually seen a reduction in the amount of baggage that gets loaded in the hold vs. the days when checked bags were "free". If so, how much have they saved in baggage handling costs as a result?
  9. On my last two AC departures out of YVR, the staff in the check-in area were being quite diligent in screening for (and pulling) oversized carry on bags. This has been suggested before but the airlines don't all share a common acceptable size for carry-on bags and personal items.
  10. Given the decision to part them out, someone must have decided there’s more money in that than in doing the heavy check.
  11. A "survey" based on Twitter sentiment is sort of like appointing the Chief of Police based off of comments made on an organized crime chat room.
  12. No kidding. Hamilton would have been a much better location for a myriad of reasons.
  13. There’s also this one that was beautifully restored by a group in AB. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-vintage-plane-fairview-canso-second-world-war-veteran-1.4166853
  14. If you're ever bored, search for "boat fails" on YouTube. There's enough content to keep you entertained for a decade or more.
  15. Ah yes, the old dreaded premature deflapulation.
  16. If a China keeps this sh!t up, someone may just get an opportunity to become a balloon ace!
  17. (Correct country removed by admin. Actual location still not given).
  18. (Correct identification of location for the Norseman removed by admin). A beautifully maintained display.
  19. This is quite clever and I'm pretty certain most of the pilots on this forum will identify with the underlying frustrations being highlighted.
  20. Could the picture have been taken in Toulouse when they received the aircraft?
  21. I'm guessing you haven't been to Florida.
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