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The positive:

Mitch Cronin

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I've been accused of being negative, and whining, so here's a flip side:

Air Canada is in a position to radically change the way they do business. With employees onside, working for a company that shows it's willingness to treat it's employees well, they can all get down to the business of improving the customer experience from all angles, thus providing better service, more efficiently, and improving the airline's bottom line profitability... which will in turn lead the general public to respect what the airline has done, and, especially when coupled with the improved service, will further enhance Canadians' opinions and increase ridership.

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It's hard to know whether the people who commented on your attitude were making an accusation or an observation. But here's what you said yourself about the matter:

"With all due respect... If I'm entitled to anything at all, it's the ability to f-ng whine if I f-ng well like.

Please don't tell me I have to work for the worst employer I've ever had, AND I can't f-ng whine about it!"

So the following comment is an OBSERVATION and nothing more: You sound negative. And you sound like you're whining. It's difficult to see you achieving anything by it other than making your fellow employees less happy than they are now.


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Ho boy... so even a positive is replied to with telling me I'm negative.

Did you see what prompted that comment you quoted? Isolating it here makes it look pretty bad, but you seem to have missed the context.

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"I tell it like I see it. If I see it wrong, tell me. I'll listen."

Or did I get that out of context, too?

I believe that we can do more to advance the prospects of all stakeholders at Air Canada, at this time, by refraining from public criticism of the strategies and efforts we're making to survive. But by all means, if you think you know a better way for some department to run their show, take your suggestion to them.

If you think otherwise... that public criticism of our methods better serves us all... then that's certainly your right, and I respect that. I've done my best to convince you that things may not be as bad as you claim, but your voice is your own.


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No, you didn't get that one out of context. You certainly did with the other. But never mind, you certainly don't need to acknowledge that if you don't want to.

So the AEF becomes a public relations vehicle? hmmmm....

Milton or someone with an alias can come on here and crow and crow and crow, but disagreement and dissent should be avoided. On an aviation employee forum...

.... .... .... .... .... processing...

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Is Mr. Milton (or someone like him) here on the forum, constantly crowing about Air Canada's efforts? Kindly point this anonymous individual out.

And while I know of no one like that, what if they were? Is there something invalid, or counterproductive about saying good things of Air Canada when they're warranted? But on the other hand, should we be publicly criticizing our fellow employees, (rank and file or management alike) without certainty that our complaints are valid and prior to speaking to them internally?

Within reason, I see the former case as beneficial to Air Canada employees in general. The latter seems counterproductive to me. But that may just be my own skewed view of things, for all I know.

You have every right to legally speak your mind and vent your frustration. I have every right to legally comment on what you've said. The forum is well served by this arrangement; I don't see anything sinister about it, if that's what you're hinting at.

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