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For Mitch

Guest AME

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I started it, but quit and I don't wanna know how I could do!

I have a brother that joined(?) Mensa... (Is that what you do? Join?)...anyway, what for? What, other than an inflated opinion of yourself, would one get from it? Or, on the other hand what would it get you to learn you couldn't make the cut?

For similar reasons, my wife and I declined the "gifted" tests for our kids. Hell, we know they're gifted, but if they know it, where would it get them? Another school, away from their friends, and a swelled head. Conversely, they might wind up with a low opinion of themselves if they were found not to be "gifted", so screw it.

I reckon I got cheated early on and missed a decent education because of it... So, I've decided to give myself the rest of my life to make things even. :D


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