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Is it worth the try?

Guest RKM

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After losing my IT position (company retreated back to the US) I have decided to follow my passion but am a tad hesitant because of the market conditions. So I am asking those of you in the business, at this time is it worth trying to pursue a career in aviation? I personally would love to fly for a smaller carrier and just turned 45 with 1000 T.T., group 1 instrument rating. IT just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

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If you want a job that pays less than $ 30,000 a year and decreasing steadily, an industry where management has absolutely no respect for what you know & do, and where you are treated worse than the local janitor .......go for it....you would do better working at Mc'Donalds than getting involved in Aviation full time at this juncture.

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It all depends on your expectations going in. Things certainly haven't been as I had expected/wished them to be when I started. Having said that, I still like what I do and that counts for alot. IMHO.

Aviation is no different, in many respects, than other industries; top management pay increasing and worker bees pay flatlining or decreasing.

We may not all end up as $250K 747 Skippers

:-( but most will still earn an above average wage. Sad perhaps, but true.

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Guest righthandman

Well your timing is lousy (I realise it's not your fault), but I followed my dreams many years ago and perserverance (spelling??) paid off and I got into the "big times" for a while anyway. I am now an unemployed pilot again. I stuck it out though and finally got some jet time fairly late in life, and I am sure glad I kept trying because it was fun while it lasted. (Was with Royal/C3)

These days it seems to be turning into a bit of a "joe job" but you still can't beat the view.

But my final answer to you is you gotta have a passion in life otherwise it's not worth living, your just taking up space. So if flying does it for you, by all means go for it.

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