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Jazz f/a's thought's on the "vote"

Guest jzdude

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Guest jzdude

Just wondering what any other Jazz f/a's thought about the out come of the vote. It seems a little strange that it "passed" with such a high majorty. I have talked to some other fa's across the country and there is alot of talk especially out of the east that there was not as many yes votes as Mr Michael Crawford would like us to believe. Those road shows were a waste of time. It seems like this union is more concerned about protecting their enhancement fund than protecting their members. In our contract it says that no fa's will be laid off until options such as mini blocks, loa's and "buy-out's" are offered. Over 500 members have been laid off and not a single buy-out has been offered to any of our members.

On another note, Air Canada has been "nice" and offered it's employees an extra 2 c1j10 passes because as they see it, it's a good revenue maker for the company and has been very popular with it's employees. Yet all of the employees of Air Canada Jazz are not eligible for this "good revenue maker". When will the us vs them attitude of this company end?? Just my opinon

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Guest azztech

They don't like the colour of our sad Jazz bucks.First it was two now it's four hey why not six,eight.That way those pesky Jazziods can't get to HNL or LHR etc.

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Guest Panama Jack

The whole industry-travel thing is a big joke in the first place. They make it sound like they are doing favors and "giving" it away. Lets be clear. Pass travel is a nice little cash cow the company has running on the side-- it produces revenue out of seats that would otherwise be empty and, get this, from employees who probably would not be travelling otherwise.

It annoys me when they present it in any other light.

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Guest rance


Are passes really a cash cow for the company?

It seems there is a fair bit of overhead in terms of websites,call centers,staff to process tickets and payroll deductions.Not to mention staff time to get non revs on at last second which i'm sure causes the odd flight to be delayed.

Seems to me that the cost of passes is cheap before you throw in all the taxes,aif and security fees.

I'm sure the company doesn't lose money,but i wouldn't think they make a lot either.

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I have often wondered about the cost/revenue aspect of the passes. Given the level of overhead, technology development, personnel etc. does the company make a net profit on this or do costs exceed revenue. In other words, when all is said and done does it cost $38 to process a pass fee of $35? With the advent of voice recognition and the website would it actually be cheaper to provide free pass privileges? And if so, would it then become a taxable benefit and end up costing the individual more. Anyone in the know?

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Opinion, and everyone has one of those. With respect to the "buy out" where would they get the money to "Buy" anyone out? Heard of CCAA yet?

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