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For the grape grower:

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Hi Richard. I know. You've probably slotted me in that cubby hole in your head labeled, "waste", but just in case you might still listen.... I've taken the following from a couple of your own past posts:

The ONLY thing that makes bankruptcy inevitable is when the players involved- owners, creditors, employees and management- are unwilling to voluntarily do what's necessary.

I said my piece when there was a chance it might still make a difference, but those days are long past in this crisis.
There's a time to just shut up and let people get on with their business.
"[emphasis mine]

I understand that you're focusing on life as you see it now, but it seems to me that you once saw it a little differently, and I think you had some good thoughts.

I hope all goes well for you,



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Hi Mitch,

I haven't slotted you in anywhere. I thanked you for your opinion in your last post to me (you remember the one, I'm sure) and I thank you for your opinion again.


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BTW.... If I was overly harsh in that post you mentioned, I apologize. I speak my mind, but if ever it stings, by all means shoot me down. Communication is a fantastic luxury we humans share, but I never want to use it to hurt.



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