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I just wanted to add my 2 cents to the idea of voting ‘no’.

I was at C3 until it imploded. I spent approx. 1 year trying to get a flying job before it happened. It was a much lower paying position, on far inferior equipment. During that time I pursued every avenue and possibility I could. There are to this day, still some who unfortunately are not flying. I don’t think the job prospects have improved that much to date.

For those that believe the only answer to the TA and/or Keller award is to vote ‘no’, I suggest you really need to reassess that position.

If you vote no, you may very well end up on the street, now. You will have 10 months of EI at a fraction of what the TA would provide. The job market is dismal and every month you are not flying makes your qualifications worth much less. Within 6 months they will be close to useless. You may well be kissing your career good bye. :-(

If you vote yes, but you feel the end result is horrendous, you may at least have a pay cheque, with all the benefits (dental, Extended Health etc.) and travel privileges, while you pursue other opportunities. The adage it is easier to find work when you have a job is very true.

Voting yes does not mean you have to accept the situation forever. You can still make your statement at a later date when you have secured a lifeboat. IMHO

Here’s hoping it turns out better for all than is being anticipated. :-)

Cheers (B)

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Do you think it ironic that some union members look at the concession in the various TA's as the end of the world. Or at least the end of the good life to which they are accustomed, and therefore then end of their world.

Yet other unions members are saying - "I'd gladly have their TA as it would be a huge jump up for me!"

Then, to top it all off, we get one group accusing another group of 'lowering the bar'.

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Guest jazzplayer

Good post b75/76,

Your voice of experience can help to persuade those lacking in common sense. I to have experienced lay off and unemployment and I can tell you that the real world can be a very nasty place. To vote no to a TA and risk losing your (relatively) good job without carefully weighing the future implications and consequences is tantamount to suicide. Remember, you often don't know what you have until it is gone!

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Guest Starman

Thanks for your thoughts, B75/76. They carry even more weight with me because, as I understand it, you don't have any stake in the outcome.

And you're right; if you don't like the boat you're in, you don't have to punch a hole in the side and drown everybody, just start bailing like everyone else and swim to another boat when the opportunity comes up. ;-)

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Guest Nigol

I don't see it as lowering the bar. It's a job. I don't make 'rock star' wages like you bus driver, but my kids have a roof and food. I drive a Ford not a BMW, and I live in a 1400 sq ft house, no pool, no air, no second floor. I am making a living the best way I know how.

We wouldn't be in this mess if we would have all learned to play together. You cannot accuse any group of lowering anything. I would gladly work for your wage but this is the hand I was dealt.


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Guest Go Around

Gee, if no-one else in the world would deliver newspapers and compete with me, I'd be paid the 250000+/yr that I deserve. How dare they. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Welcome to the world of filthy capitalism. Perhaps a communist country would better address your needs.

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