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Ken Borrick

Guest Magnum

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The pay scales vary from contract to contract depending on where you get deployed.

FO's : $800 / month base, and $65 / day domestic deployment.

Capt's : $1800 / month base, and $165 / day domestic deploymet.

Just a note, Borek does not pay holidays to the pilots, so you can think of that as a 4% wage reduction.

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Guest Goldendog

Did anyone watch Ice Bound last night? It was about the doctor that had to be rescued from the South Pole.

History says that a Twin Otter of Kenn Borek made the dramatic rescue because the American Hercs decided it was too risky. Hollywood, however, shows her being rescued by one of those big old American Hercs.

To the Borek crew that rescued her "Bravo". :):):)

BTW Kenn was one of the best bosses that I ever worked for.


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Guest Demon72

Not so fast there. Dr. Neilsen WAS rescued by the ski equipped Hercs from the NY Air National Guard. She was flown out about two months prior to regular supply flights resuming. It was another doctor two years later that had to be rescued in the middle of the winter in total darkness by the crews of Ken Borek Air. Both crews performed superbly and both deserve to be recognized for their endeavours!!

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Guest Goldendog

Indeed there were two different rescues. The first being the rescue of Dr. Jerri Nielsen and the second the rescue of Dr. Ronald S. Shemenski, the doctor who had been caring for the 50 researchers and others working at the Amudsen-Scott South Pole station, who was diagnosed by satellite as having a potentially life-threatening case of pancreatitis.

He was the one rescued by the Kenn Borek crew on May 8, 2001.

Here's the link to a picture of the Borek crew.


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