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Tiny Programs

Kip Powick

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For those of you who stay “connected” to the Net, 24/7. Personally, I use Win2KPro, on Sympatico/HS and use a Modem and DSL Router, backed up by Norton AV.

Voodoo Computers: So I understand that you have a couple of small programs that run continually on your machine and that you feel some of our readers might like to have on their machine. Of the two programs, which do you feel would be more enticing to the average computer person?

KP: Golly I don’t know. I like both programs, they are simple to install and take just a minute portion of your processors output. Both give accurate information and take very little space on your desktop, in fact one can be installed on the bottom tool tray.

Voodoo Computers: Well looking at your desk top I see a small green band that has the time, day, and date on it. Are you very time conscious? Do you demand others to be on time?

KP: I’m time conscious, yes but I don’t “demand” others to be, but I do “expect” that when someone says they will do something at a specific time, it will be done at that time.. That clock is the DS Clock program. It is free and can be downloaded at FREE CLOCK

Simple to install, is extremely accurate as one can set the time so that it will be automatically be updated from about one of ten accurate time sources. The colors can be changed and the data, in many formats, can be placed anywhere on your screen. I have it so it is always on-top of whatever I am doing , but it is also moveable with ones mouse. One can even have the clock “chime” on the hour or half hour. I didn’t like the chime sounds so incorporated a sound from one of my CDs.

Voodoo Computers: One of your CDs?

KP: Yes I have a set of CDs that have 270,000 images on them and 5700 different sounds. I changed my hourly chime to a “double seat belt warning chime”, as it is much softer, doesn’t scare the crap out of me when it goes off, but can still be heard. I’d be happy to send a small .wav file of just about any sound imaginable to your readers if they like. Just tell me what you want and I’ll send samples…no charge.

Voodoo Computers: Very strange indeed…as I understand it you are an ex-pilot and to find a pilot giving away anything “free” is almost beyond my comprehension.

KP: Shall we move on? All info etc about this small program can be found at the indicated website

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Voodoo Computers: This other program concerns the weather?

KP: Yes this is a small program from FREE WEATHER

And is free of charge. One can opt to receive an email daily, or on specific days, with your local weather from the Weather center.

Voodoo Computers: Is it an easy program to understand and install?

KP: Well I did it………. so it is pretty simple. As you can see in the photo, I have opted to have the constant temperature displayed in my “start” tray and if one “clicks” on the TEMPERATURE icon, a little more detail is available. That is the next photo in the next frame.

Voodoo Computers: Well-well..I guess in your case you have a lot of time to look for all these little programs and play with them. Any parting advice for our readers?

KP: Well the programs are pretty simple but if pilots, in particular, run into problems installing any program I would suggest they contact their nearest AME…I understand they know how to fix everything..

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In the Calgary Herald business section there was a large article on VoodooPC computers. The CEO won the Business Development Bank of Canada young entrepreneur of the year award for carving out a niche building hard-core, made-to-order, wiz-bang computers. Is this the same company?

Are your posts suggesting we should install these cool little programs? The conversation was quite entertaining! biggrin.gif

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In the Calgary Herald business section there was a large article on VoodooPC computers. The CEO won the Business Development Bank of Canada young entrepreneur of the year award for carving out a niche building hard-core, made-to-order, wiz-bang computers. Is this the same company?

Are your posts suggesting we should install these cool little programs? The conversation was quite entertaining! biggrin.gif

YIKES>>>>> I made that name up ohmy.gif

It was just general information that I thought I would put out in a different format.

Hope there are no lawsuits pending rolleyes.gif

Do what you like..I have both on my computer and they are kinda neat but then again I am a gadget freak tongue.gif

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I know some poor bastards who wound up working for Voodoo PC, badly needed jobs and Voodoo was hiring.

They hate\hated it there, very low pay, even at the highest levels, no benefits and very high standards.

Not to mention their parking lot is the local public washroom, brothel and drug den.

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...but then again I am a gadget freak tongue.gif

Kip... you're a pilot! The only living, breathing things I know of that are more attracted to bright shiny things (aka gadgets) are Whiskey Jacks (perhaps Magpies...). Pilots who don't like gadgets and absolutely need to have as many of the newest ones on the market are imposters or posers... at least that is what all spouses should understand from the outset. laugh.gif


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