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AC Stock Down 17 % at 1430EST

Kip Powick

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Guest Retyred


I think you give far too much credence to Ms. Piggs article, not everyone counts on the Stars staff writers for investment advice.

Far more poignant, I believe, is the fact that when the stock was trading yesterday at $1.60, it was vastly overpriced. For three days in a row the stock was heavily promoted ( our friendly brokers doing what only they do best ). A lot of stock was laid off on the unsophisticated and today is just the beginning of the bloom coming off the rose, or call it reality if you will.

As you are probably well aware, shareholders in CCAA proceedings fare very poorly and are generally wiped out, there's very little reason why they won't be subjected to the same outcome here!

The stock should continue to backpedal over time.

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Not to mention the simple mathematical truth:

When a stock is trading at an average price of around a buck, a change of even a few cents creates a huge percentage difference.

Climbing a dime from 90 cents to a buck = 11% increase.
Climbing a dime from $15.90 to $16.00 = 0.6% increase.


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