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Has Anyone Else Noticed...

Guest WA777

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Guest WA777

Has anyone else noticed how the Federal Government has fiddled while Rome burns....I mean AC aside what about the future of NavCanada or the GTAA for example.....??

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Yes. I have noticed that there is much less government interest than during previous crises. In fact, there seems much less public demand that the government do something.

Of course they may just be preparing some last minute something or other, but it may be more disturbing. The worst case might be that the government and public are just fatigued. Unfortunately, I fear there are many government members who may just wish the whole thing would go away.

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Guest rance

The government is probably trying to figure out a way to add a new pax restructuring surtax.
Besides the government doesn't interfere with the airline industry,its free enterprise (insert winking smiley face).

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Guest Phugoid

Why should the government and the public be so concerned with Air Canada? What makes them, as a private company, any different from Nortel (where thousands of jobs were lost), Canada 3000, or all the poor small businessmen that regularly go bankrupt. It is time to face reality and realize that Air Canada is just a private corporation and is losing obscene amounts of money for reasons that we are all familiar with. Adapt or liquidate but don't think that the government sould intervene because you are any different than any other private corporation in a capitalistic society!

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I guess if we fold we will find out why. AC is resonsible for 65% of the traffic through YYZ, so there is the GTAA that might have a bit of a problem paying it's bills. Then there are the other airport authorities across the country. How about Cara, AC probably adds a little bit to there revenue. Navcan, oh yeah, they had to raise fee's recently, because AC owes them money. Canada Post might be a little late delivering your pogey check from YOW. That AOG you need in YYT will be delayed, sorry about that. etc, etc, etc.
Your right, nothing to get upset about. Nobody is indespensable but it might be a bit of an inconvienance.

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I don't think anyone has said it would be a painless scenario if AC failed. If people believe, however, it is not possible for AC to be allowed to fail I think they may be shocked.

I'm not in any way saying it will happen, just it is more possible than some may wish to believe. Looking at the time I guess we may know more shortly. Fingers crossed.

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Guest CabinDweller

What makes them(AC), as a private company, any different from Nortel, Canada 3000, etc…AC is just a private corporation… but don't think that the government sould intervene because you are any different than any other private corporation in a capitalistic society.”

I don’t’t pretend to be learned in much to do with aviation, but even those in this industry that detest AC acknowledge what you and the general public seem to fall short of appreciating.


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Guest CabinDweller

What makes them(AC), as a private company, any different from Nortel, Canada 3000, etc…AC is just a private corporation… but don't think that the government sould intervene because you are any different than any other private corporation in a capitalistic society.”

I don’t’t pretend to be learned in much to do with aviation, but even those in this industry that detest AC acknowledge what you and the general public seem to fall short of appreciating.



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