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Those damned pilots

Kip Powick

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As it sometimes happens in the airline industry, a pilot was having an affair with a Flight Attendant and as time went on, the F/A informed the pilot that she was pregnant. Naturally he did not want his wife to know and being an aviator who was used to working under pressure as well as being an individual with unfettered financial means he came up with a plan.

He advised the F/A to quit her job, fly to Italy and have the baby over there……he would supply all the necessary money and naturally he could get there on awarded flights and he would visit her as much as he could by bidding “Italy”, providing PBS didn’t blow itself into cyber space. "But how will I let you know the baby is born?" she asked.

Always quick with an answer he replied, "Just send me a postcard and write 'spaghetti' on the back. I'll take care of the expenses."

Not exactly knowing what else to do, the F/A went along with the plan.

Late one evening, after an especially grueling return flight from LHR, (PBS had hemorrhaged once again, no flights to Italy awarded ), the pilot was confronted at his front door by his wife as to the meaning of an unusual postcard that came in the morning mail.

The pilot took the card from his wife, read the message and collapsed on the floor. The attending medic asked what had triggered the seizure. So the wife picked up the card and read:

"Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti - Two with sausage and meatballs, and two without."

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