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950 CF 'Trainers" stay in AFG till 2014

Kip Powick

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So much for Harper being adament that CF would leave in 2011....PS..... will the trainers have weapons for self defense ???....how many will we lose ??

OTTAWA – Canada will deploy 950 trainers and support personnel to Afghanistan next year as Ottawa extends the military’s presence in the troubled nation for another three years.

Despite repeated pledges by the Conservative government that Canada’s military mission in Afghanistan would end next year, cabinet ministers conceded Tuesday that the Afghan forces simply aren’t ready to take on security duties by themselves.

“Quite clearly the facts on the ground indicate that the Afghan military needs further training. We have more to do,” Defence Minister Peter MacKay told a news conference.

“The next phase of Canada’s involvement in Afghanistan is to continue to provide humanitarian aid, development and to build on our training efforts and accomplishments in a non-combat role,” MacKay said.

He said Canadian soldiers have developed an “expertise” in training.

Starting next year – as the combat mission winds down – Canada will send the “vast majority” of the 950 trainers and support staff to training centres around Kabul. That role will continue until March, 2014, MacKay said.

“This is consistent and in line with goals set out by our allies and Afghans,” he said.

“Our government is committed to helping the Afghan people build a country that is more secure, stable and self-sufficient and is no longer a safe haven terrorists,” MacKay said.

MacKay was joined by the other two ministers leading Ottawa’s Afghan file – Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon and International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda.

MacKay said the mission would cost “under $500 million per year for the training” component, with an additional one-time cost of $85 million for “start-up and close-out” costs related to setting up and winding down infrastructure needed for the mission.

Oda said that there would be an additional budget of $100 million per year for development and aid.

The announcement marks a dramatic shift for the Conservative government, which until this month had been adamant that all Canadian soldiers would be withdrawn next year when the combat mission was due to end.

Indeed, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his fellow cabinet ministers have been unequivocal the military’s presence in Afghanistan would be ending in 2011.

But that hardline position suddenly changed just over a week ago when federal officials confirmed that the government was now prepared to leave a contingent of military personnel in the country to serve as trainers for Afghan security forces.

While politicians cite the need to train Afghan forces for Canada’s continuing presence, there’s also speculation that Ottawa came under intense presence from its NATO allies to not withdraw so abruptly.

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I would say that two paties with the majority of our elected representatives(probably around 75%) have changed their mind.

If all it takes is a couple of "paties" to sway our government, what would a whole plate of Jerk Pork do to them? :eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

And this will probably happen in Afghanistan....good luck to our guys who will be training the AFG cops and Military...angry[1].gif

PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN — A pair of suicide bombers disguised as policemen killed 50 people Monday in an attack targeting a tribal meeting called to discuss the formation of an anti-Taliban militia in northwest Pakistan, officials said.


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