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Anyone actually listening/watching?

Kip Powick

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Well it has started.............and I'm surprised no one has posted any comments/opinions.

Apparently the Canadian Government is considering leaving "civilian advisors" in Afghanistan when our troops pull out and naturally, some of our troops will be required to stay past 2011 to protect these advisors.angry[1].gif

Harper, while on tour at Churchill alluded to the fact that the government is mulling over the possibility of doing just as I have described................

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Kip: apparently that is not correct, here is a goto to the transcript of the interview and following is the quote:


Harper: Well, these are difficult questions. I see there’s a report today on some proposals for our future involvements. I should just be clear that while officials are examining various proposals we have not taken decisions and there are difficult questions along those lines to answer and I will certainly concede that President Karzai’s decision will certainly complicate some of those choices in the future. But I’m not in a position today, Terry, to answer those questions but we are working on.

C'mon Malcolm.......if Harper was adament that the CF was leaving in 2011...why would he not say that in his reply..?? .he is 'skirting' the issue and to me, that is a big RED warning flag !

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yet another hidden agenda Kip? Just remember it is the Liberals and the NDP that are insisting our troops staying on as advisers (and therefore targets).

By the by, what was the source of your original information?

Not sure if you are asking me or are you referring to the Government ??? (yet another hidden agenda kip?)

Malcolm, I really don't care who is advocating that our troops stay past the withdrawl point. My point is that the "government in power" has always said all the troops will be out at the agreed upon date but now it seems that the PM is leaving the option of having troops remain as a viable alternative ...with respect to protection of any Canadian advisors.......

My source was my two eyes and ears watching the CBC news at 10:00pm EDT last night.

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I'll throw my $.25 in. I hate this mission, it will end up with nothing more than a lot of dead Canadian soldiers and a lot more dead Afghani's.

That being said, to pull up stakes and leave at this point is a difficult call at best. It would prevent the inevitable increase in dead CF personnel but we went there to do good, didn't we?

I honestly don't know how we can pull out without a really bad snapback there...

I hate this mission.

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