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Please don't forget

Kip Powick

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I realize that everyone has a life to live, (and it's summer etc., etc.) but for some life ended rather abruptly....let's not forget one single member of the Armed Forces, whether you agree, or do not agree with the "mission".

Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan

(AFP) – 2 days ago

OTTAWA — A Canadian soldier was killed in fighting Thursday in southern Afghanistan, bringing to 125 the number of Canadian soldiers killed there since 2002, the military said.

Private Sebastien Courcy, 26, "died while conducting operations in the Panjwayi District. The incident occurred approximately 17 kilometers (10 miles) southwest from Kandahar City at around 6:00 am," it said.

Courcy was the fifth Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan since the start of the month.

A poll released Thursday showed that a majority of Canadians oppose their country's military participation in Afghanistan, where Canada has about 2,800 troops mainly in the restive south.

The poll taken by national public broadcaster CBC and the Ekos polling firm found that 54 percent of subjects polled disapprove of the mission, while 34 percent approve and 12 percent were undecided.

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So very true Kip. I don't think there is a single Canadian who does not support our troops. The number that support the government's role in sending them would seem to have dwindled in huge numbers.

Rightfully so. I think we had a place there back in 2002, but only with total support. Why on earth the Americans abandoned us in Afghanistan when they started Iraq will be the historic questionmark of the 21rst century.

I think Maclean's got it right.


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Thanks Kip and you too Moon. I really wish those crazy idiots had not gone and destroyed the twin towers in New York. It let loose a torrent of massive and angry response. Some of it was misjudged by governments around the world and caused a huge loss of life in Iraq when the real centre of evil was in Afghanistan. Not that those twits in Iraq were much better however. Those sorely misguided nut cases changed our way of life in 2001. We have to and must continue to try to stop this lunacy now, but it takes lives, money and probably a lot of time to make these crazed fanatics to be either killed or weeded out and sent to prison.

If we don't try, they'll just keep at it while hating our "infidel" way of life.

What's the answer to ending this. I don't know. Do you?

I silently weep for all those that are there trying to end all this and then wind up losing their lives doing it for the rest of us here.

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