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Originality lost ?

Kip Powick

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Remember Rick Mercer…..he used to do a rant on his weekly show where he walked along alleys and streets while spouting off about one thing or another…….then came the pitch man for ING , (bank), who did the same thing…always walking through offices, etc., while pontificating the virtues of using ING.

Recently CIBC put a guy on doing the same thing, walking through offices and into rooms, unannounced, telling us how great CIBC is.

To top it off, we now have Chevrolet doing the same thing…guy bouncing along the office corridors, pacing through offices, ending up in a car, and finally stopping at a Chev dealer……

Do you think Rick has a franchise going or are the commercial makers just running out of really good original ideas ?? unsure.gif

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