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No safe water? Then stay off their airplanes!

Mitch Cronin

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Odd title eh?..."what's he mean by that?" you may be wondering.... Not much, it's just a part of a conversation I had recently with a fellow AME at work... We were wondering why it is people will so readily presume airplanes are being maintained properly....

Anyway, we came up with that as a minimum requirement. If the country you're in can't offer a safe supply of drinking water, then it's a very safe bet their state-run airline is of the serious chicken-s#it variety and you'd best avoid hopping aboard!

I reckon the only reason some outfits continue to fly is because the aircraft manufacturer did a great job of building the machine! When that little bit of good fortune has been used up, it's luck and and the skills of their (probably very hungry ex-pat) pilots that keep what's left of the bird flying.

So if you ever see something like ....ohhh I don't know, maybe some South American manufactured airplane whose quality control is less than that at Boeing, flying with some third-world country's airline, run the other way, very fast! There, I've said it.

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Anyway, we came up with that as a minimum requirement. If the country you're in can't offer a safe supply of drinking water, then it's a very safe bet their state-run airline is of the serious chicken-s#it variety and you'd best avoid hopping aboard!

Good thing that Canada doesn't have a state-run airline, eh? blink.gif

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