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Fancy Airbus Flying


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The pass with the gear down was almost his last pass !!!I would doubt he realized how close the left wing was when he made the turn.

A DND C130 was doing an ADF approach to a strip in the arctic many years ago. They broke out of cloud and had to circle for the strip. They did a a tight low level turn to final and landed. The Captain was an ex CF104 driver so he really cut the turn. They landed and taxied to the little ramp and the station radio operator met them.

Apparently his face was white and he could hardly speak as he had watched the approach. He advised the pilots that they had touched the ground in the turn. The Captain said that "was BS" but when they looked at the Rt Hand wing tip they realized the green nav light was gone and about 3 inches of the wing tip was bruised.

The drove to the end of the runway and looked out past the end of the runway and there was a 10 to 15 foot groove in the snow where the wingtip had cut through the blown field of snow!!!

The FO would have been on the downwind side of the turn and during the investigation he was asked why he had not said anything during/before the manouver...His reply was " Major XXXX was the Captain, he was in control and as the FO and Lieutenant, I did not feel it was my place to advise him that we were very low."

CRM and common sense anyone ??? Both were grounded for a few months with remedial training.

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