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FLASH - Tonight on TV

Kip Powick

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In case you missed the 5th Estate on Wednesday perhaps you'd like to watch how Mulroney denied taking any money from Schrieber....but did get $300.000.00 from ?????

Watch this story Friday February 10 at 10pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld

Say...how many points down does anyone think Harper's stock has fallen in his first week of "power" ????

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Guest rattler

In case you missed the 5th Estate on Wednesday perhaps you'd like to watch how Mulroney denied taking any money from Schrieber....but did get $300.000.00 from ?????

Watch this story Friday February 10 at 10pm ET/PT on CBC Newsworld

Say...how many points down does anyone think Harper's stock has fallen in his first week  of "power" ????

Points, a fair amount but the only ones that count are those lost from his loyal conservative followers. The whining from Liberals & NDPs will in the end not mean anything to the conservative movement, the dis-satisfaction from his conservative supporters will be what will have the major long term impact. After all the Liberal and NDPs never supported him in the first place. biggrin.gif

I guess the final result will depend on how his gov. performs before another General election is called and I am confident that a large number of voters will be happy with the performance.

To paraphrase, "Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of politics" laugh.gif

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I guess the final result will depend on how his gov. performs before another General election is called and I am confident that a large number of voters will be happy with the performance.


There is, at present however, little to base this hope upon, whatever evidence exists to support such a view being only visible to "the choir". I think, given such a swift demonstration of true politics in action, that audacious predictions at this stage are folly. The government won't fall on this of course because the rest of them are familiar with the game. When it eventually does, it will fall on other, less attributable factors.

In fairness, because these people are clearly new at this, I suspend judgement in favour of curiosity but this was anything but an auspicious beginning to Mr Harper's stewardship of the country.

We have by now all read the arguments of facility, or the spin on Emerson and Fortier..."the better man for the job", "a cabinet minister is a cabinet minister regardless of his politics" and so on. (my one audacious prediction? Emerson won't last).

Though it has been widely pointed out in op-eds and so on, the fact remains that Mr Harper bled on and on throughout the campaign about integrity and a "new day". Whatever the political justifications behind Mr Harper's decisions may be, the public has seen sufficient demonstration of political "integrity" from the Conservative leader to last quite some time.

We are saying to ourselves, "What's next?", but hardly with an excited anticipation of a new beginning.

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Guest rattler

Don, I guess my point of view is : when the election was called we had but 3 choices.....

The Liberals who had demonstrated that they were corrupt.

The Conservatives, who being new, had to prove everything

and the NDPs who have demonstrated the ability to bring down even a "Have" province like BC

My choice was and remains the Conservatives, but and I repeat but, I am disappointed but not surprised that they chose to take on a "turncoat" from the Liberals. I hope they understand their mistake and agree to a "by-election" but in the long term, I believe they will prove to be of benefit to Canada.

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Rattler...understand, smile.gif Well, we had more than 3 choices but there were two realistic ones. Its just sad to see such a large promise evaporate in a cloud of hypocrisy and familiar, dumb politics. For the country's sake, I hope you're right. Its just that there's not much to base any hope on at the moment and they've placed themselves in the position of having to spend focus, energy, time, resources and credibility on rear-guard actions instead of full-time governing. Its exactly the position that the Liberals put themselves in since before Martin's ill-fated leadership began. Its sure no way to turn over a new leaf.

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Points, a fair amount but the only ones that count are those lost from his loyal conservative followers.

I strongly disagree with that. He doesn't have enough loyal conservative followers to keep him going let alone to get himself re-elected. Of the points he has lost so far, the ones that count most are those of the swing voters, and if Harper doesn't smarten up they'll all swing right back to the Liberals next time.

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Bummer...show was preempted by Olympics....but hey.... it did get a discussion going about politics. laugh.gif

Personally, I haven't seen anything yet that would indicate that we have a leader in Disneyland North...only time will tell... not doing well when even Hugh Segal admits there have been a few "bumps".

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