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Kip Powick

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Email to me...... and thousands of others ??

Please help me out in this desperate situation. I am a Mexican national and also an illegal immigrant living in the Islamabad, of pakistan of the disaster hit area of earthquake centered in the Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan on Saturday morning sent tremors across South Asia, killing at least 1,600 people in remote northern Pakistan, hundreds across both sides of disputed Kashmir, and shaking houses and high-rises throughout the region.

I worked as a member of rescue team , following the event of the recent disaster.

In a relief effort to save the lives of the people, I personally made a recovery of one treasure boxe which belong to a private banking firm, here in pakista. The boxe which is currently in H.S.B.C finance house in london as a personal belongings.

This box contains number of foreign currency, which ranges from United States dollars down to Japanese yem, thus running into $65 millions of U.S. dollars when converted.

Dear colleague, I have already made prior arrangement with a member of united nation red cross diplomatic agent who assisted me to convey the box, out of the pakistan to london as a personal luggage for safe keeping, where you will assist me to pick it up.

I have so far decided to undisclose these funds to the "Federal Emergency Management Agency", pending my personal use of these fund, soon after this disaster retun back to normal.

I am desperately searching for a trustworthy individual who would help me receive the box in central europe,outside U.S.A so as to start immediate investment opportunities.

I am sorry, I may not be able to leave pakistan at present due to lack of authentic travel document, but I would like to entrust the box in your care for safe keeping, and I will make my way out of pakistan as soon as the boxe gets to you.

Thank you for taking out time to read about my problem. I look forward to your reply.

Please take note:If you can be of assistance to this my desperate situation 30% of the total money will be yours.

Contact me on my private email address:

Your contact information will be required for easy


Warm Regards

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I'm not surprised it started. What continually amazes me is that IT WORKS!

Who actually sends money? It just boggles this old brain to no end that people will believe an unsolicited email like that and follow through. I wish someone would explain the psychology to me, because I just don't get it.

blink.gif ccairspace

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Guest Touchdown

I had to laugh the other day as the "big" 40 million dollar draw was approaching and people were buying tickets and getting excited. The radio DJ read off a list to things that are more likely to happen to you assuming 14 million to 1 odds for the 649. Your were 50 times more likely to be hit by lightning and 12 times more likely to be involved in a shark attack....I thought that about summed it up. My apologies to the winners however.... laugh.gif

Cheers Touchdown

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Although I never, ever buy lottery tickets (gov't gets enough of my $ as is), I can fully understand that people will spend $2. to dream. It's cheap. And the dream can last as long as you want, all for two bucks. It's the deal of deals, unless you're able to do the dreaming for free...

As for the email scams, only the depraved would actually fall for this BS. However, there's a sucker born every minute, and the sharks just play the odds. sad.gif

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