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A380 status?

Mitch Cronin

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...reduce a cost-advantage selling point of the A380, which is to increase efficiency at congested mainline airports, the newspaper said.

...increase efficiency at congested airports?? blink.gif Not after touchdown it won't.

Out of curiosity, what is the separation distance behind, say, an Antonov 225?


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I remember some learned body doing a study once where wherein subjects were asked to attribute certain personality characteristics to people purely based on a photo of the person. Inevitably the ones deemed more attractive or normal looking received the lions share of the positive traits and the less than attractive ones received the most negative reviews.

In all fairness to this butt ugly, misproportioned, slot hog, runway crushing, airborne sardine canlike, behemoth the results of that survey definitely hold true. Quite a few of us are just pre conditioned to initially think of it in negative terms.

Oh well - based on my time as a tourist in Paris - Ce n'est pas mon problem (excuse the weak french).

And oh yeah, would it have killed them to put them engines on the fuse, and for the sake of few seats put the cockpit on the upper deck where it rightfully should be? And what's wrong with metal? The more the better. Composite schmomposite. Repairs in an oven - damn unnatural if you ask me.

And another thing.......

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