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Pearls of Pleasurable Moments

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"ccairspace" used that terminology in a post in another thread, while lamenting the heaps of trash one must often wade through here...

I'd agree that there are often more posts within this forum that I'm not interested in, than there are one's I do find of interest, but that's my interests alone. Others won't share my interests, so who am I to label any of it trash? Obviously some folks like the competitiive style banter while others consider it tedious. Some folks hate seeing things not having to do with aviation posted here, others love it for it's diversionary value. ...etc...

It's a big space, this "cyber"-world... I think this forum does have room for something for all of us... We can each find our pleasurable pearls, in one form or another.

I reckon most of us do agree that the personal attacks are unwelcome... That's where I think the "trash" label fits for the bulk of us.

JW used to have some good advice on his forum someplace, to help us avoid getting sucked into that kind of participation... Avoid posting while angry... Read again what you write before hitting "post", to be sure... Compose it in your e-mail, or word processor and come back to it later to see if it's what you want to say... Attack the argument, not the author... that sort of thing.

Through PM's and e-mail I've recieved, as well as just viewing the obvious, it's apparent that many long time contributors here have stepped back a bit while things have gone a little wild (in our industry as well as on this forum)... in so doing, they've helped to create the relative void of civil discussion herein.

Like the fox den, when it's abondoned the wild dogs are free to move in.

I note however, that there hasn't been a complete abandonment of civil discourse. There are many, both recently joined and long-time contributors, who continue to provide us with good reasons to return, even if we do occasionally get stirred in with the trash. cool.gif

I still think this is the best forum for our kind around... mostly because of who we can find here. Speak up folks... don't let them wild-dogs be the only ones to lay their scat everywhere. tongue.gif



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Good morning Mitch,

Sweet title for the thread. cool.gif

My reference to "trash talk" was referring to style and tone more than to content. I have said previously that we all occasionally need a "forum" to speak our minds, but some of the posts lately are almost rude and border on being deliberately hurtful. Those are the ones through which I find that I need to wade in order to find the pearls. Call me old fashioned, (some people actually call me "old" sad.gif ) but I think a lot more can be communicated in polite animated discourse.

Your posts, by the way, always glimmer with a certain pearly iridescence...


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