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In another thread here, in an article written by Al Coates of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, he makes some points guaranteed to raise the eyebrows of a few here... but what most of you will miss, was a comment that erases any evidence of my and my fellow AME's contribution to aviation.... and it pi$sed me off!

(complete side track from the intent of the original thread - hence the new thread)

He says: " You may recall the fun -- the pilots of both airlines went berserk over seniority and job security, the airlines' machinists went bananas for the same reasons, and flight attendants were almost literally on the ceiling because of the job- loss threat."

There you have it... the airline employs pilots, machinists, and flight attendants. ph34r.gif

If I hadn't seen that sort of thing too many times already, I might just let it slide, but I'm really getting tired of it. "Machinists"?

How many "machinists" do you think Air Canada employs? Hmm? Lets see now... Do we fabricate our own office furniture? With lathes and milling machines and such? We don't make our own airplanes... We do fabricate some of our own bits and pieces at times... as a part of my ACA (Airworthiness Certification Authority), which is itself dependent on my Transport Canada issued AME (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) licence, I have an added qualification to fabricate aircraft plumbing, for instance... but anything of that nature will be done by AME's or specialists of a sort, I think... We have AME's who are structures specialists, for example, who fabricate structural components for aircraft repair or modification, but they aren't "machinists"... There are undoubtedly some machinists employed in the fabrication of tools and equipment for internal uses, and others?... So I'm sure we have some...

But he meant members of the IAM, didn't he? Baggage handlers, cargo guy's, Ice men, tug drivers, ...the guys with the orange glowy thingies, the grunts on the ground, ... the guys with tools on their belts, or in their hands... the dirty guys in coveralls.... all those "groundworkers" .... right? dry.gif

Grrrrrrrrrr! mad.gif

Ok, I'm done...

... Hey?....

??.... I thought ranting was supposed to feel good? huh.gif

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... Hey?....

??.... I thought ranting was supposed to feel good?  huh.gif

No, no Mitch. Sneezing feels good. A good BM can put smile on your face and set your mood for the whole day. But ranting is like scratching; it only feels good while you are doing it. After you are done, you usually end up back to where you started and sometimes even feel worse.

So next time you read one of those uninformed journalists, sneeze in his general direction (in a French accent)... or poop on him! biggrin.gif


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Deep breaths......In,,,,Out....In,,,,Out...

Don't take it personally my friend, all this highlights is that fact that the media in this country, and on a larger scale, in North America, is not interested in reporting facts or the truth. They are there to sell news.

The truth is not demanding that high a price these days. For example, with Jetsgo's demise, more emphasis was put on the "emotional" side of people losing vacations instead of those who were losing their jobs. More was slagged at the fact that the other airlines should transport those people as a measure of "good will" never mind that they would not get paid for that gesture.

What ever came of the fact that Leblanc defrauded customers, suppliers, and his own employees? That he LIED to his pilots in order to safeguard his investment in aircraft? Why wasn't he detained and all this screamed through the media????

'Cause it doesn't sell.

We all have a place in the pecking order of this industry, and in life, but nobody cares of the roles that take place behind the curtain.

The public just wants to get to Vancouver for $1.00.

We do good work, and it shows in the ontime performance, and the superior safety record that we have overall.

Sometimes you have to look elsewhere, like at home, for gratification, because in this self centered world of ours these days, nobody else will give it to you.....



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Ahhhh... that's better. smile.gif

Now I remember the part of a rant that feels good... it's when someone agrees with you, or offers some calm, sage advice, ...or comes back with a funny response like a suggestion to wave your private parts at his aunty, ...or poop on him. biggrin.gif

Iceman, "Sometimes you have to look elsewhere, like at home, for gratification, because in this self centered world of ours these days, nobody else will give it to you....."

Bingo. thumbs_up.gif



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