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NOT aviation related

Kip Powick

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This is an underwater cairn…… A year ago or so a young man from Spain went to Cayo Coco Cuba and took the basic Open Water Scuba course. The 4-5 qualifying dives were done in a sandy area at about 50-60 feet. To the right of this cairn is a 45 foot sunken steel fishing boat and for the “new” divers it is a thrill to see a “wreck” during their qualifying dives..

A few months later the young man was diagnosed with terminal cancer and succumbed to the disease very quickly. His dieing request was that his ashes be buried at sea where he learned to Scuba.

His ashes were put in a Scuba and the tank was fitted with a concrete collar, the tank was inverted and buried in the sand. A full underwater burial was attended by about 12 people and the service was conducted using hand signals and writing slates.

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