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Dig Deep (again)

Kip Powick

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It doesn't take a genius to see who the most prolific authors are on this website.

I think we all have to agree this is a damned good site to get the latest and hotest info on airline activities in this country, (and others).

Our hosts have footed the bill for years and now it is our turn. I fully realize that many are living on the "edge" right now but stop drinking coffee, or other beverages,(all you exceptional authors as well as occasional scribes), for a few days and send a donation to the owners of this site.


Thanks for your help

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Guest retyred

Sorry Kip..

I'd have to know definitively, in advance, if this a 'Defined Benefit' or a 'Defined Contribution' donation.

I think we should get the Union's 'take' on this before we ante-up!!!

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Apparently, the increased bandwidth on the forum is costing our hosts an additional $400.00 a month out of their own pockets. I was shocked, to say the least, when I heard this.

A lot of people have been using, and enjoying this forum for a long time, whether it be to catch up on the news, or to catch up with old friends. It's time to show some appreciation to the people who make it all possible.

Oh crap. I'm starting to sound like one of those PBS fundraisers. ;)


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Guest M. McRae

Keep it rolling folks. Although lately most of the posts have being about AC (go figure) this is and can continue to be a great Airlines Industry forum..... Malcolm

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