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Leaning to the left....

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Now that got your attention... all I meant was that the threads that go off the page to the right are a drag! :D

The offer from TTI was made to non unionized AC employees to have a choice of DC or the current DB pension.... it was also stated that the offer was made to them because they could speak to them. The flippin' unions had cried foul when they tried to speak to all of us.

Hot damn this gets silly!

I wonder what Bobby Dyllan would have to say to this? the pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handle?

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From your post below:

"Why haven't they proposed this?"

Because they're too busy trying to look tough? Heck, I have no idea, but communication is so easy, it sickens me that it's being stifled so readily and completely! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????

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Hi Mitch

Buzz's line is that they won't talk to Victor Li because they can only talk to the company. We have here a man who wants to put $650 million into our company so that it might have a future, stay with us long term with his deep pockets and with his business acumen, and even expand the airline providing more jobs and security.

Talk to the man for crying out loud. I'm afraid I fail to find any principle what so ever in refusing to talk to him.


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Greg, I'm in complete agreement.... and not just Buzz... All of the buggers.. I just fired off another appeal to my own union to "please talk".....

It's complete foolishness to think this typical tough guy, union vs. management stance will get us anywhere at all in this situation....

All the card game cliches are fine for the more mundane, moronic, everyday games... but we're not playing for petty cash and puny stakes here anymore.... This is our futures... our livelihoods, or mortgages, our childrens fortunes...

There is no cost, no penalty, no loss at all in talking.... The very least these fools could and should do, is sit at the table to chat.

I've gotta find some new songs to sing and chords to pluck on this old guitar... Progression can't come from the same old songs. :(

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Guest Shamus

Agreed - I cannot believe that any unionized employee (me included) wants to see a stance of "No Dialog" when the end is potentially so near.

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Just a question...

Why is there no mobilization from union members asking for their respective leaders to comply to the noble (civil) gesture of communicating with its membership. I am not advocating the elimination of Unions but definitely have these "leaders" removed, should they fail to talk to you or Mr. Li. for your best interest.

When I think of that newspaper add recognizing our customers were "frustrated", I cannot help but think of how much harm this has to AC's (i.e. members) future. It is tantamount to asking our customers to boycott AC and fly the competition. All of this because they did not see further than the tips of their noses when negotiating these so called "bad" deals...

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All this speculation is based on the assumption that the unions are doing nothing. Has it occurred to anybody that there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes to prepare for Monday's meeting and any eventuality that may occur between now and then? I don't believe for a second that the unions aren't prepared to table something in order to salvage the deal if it gets to that point. I also believe it's incumbent on Mr. Milton to act as a go-between and get the 3 groups together to discuss things. He's the only one who has signed contracts with both groups and so he's the only one who can negotiate with either one. He also indicated in his letter to ACPA that he will be meeting with Mr. Li to discuss matters. Let's hope they can agree to ask the unions to the table together so something can be worked out.

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