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American Justice ???

Kip Powick

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Guest North of You

And another thing, Sadam is making lots of appearances on TV since being captured. When the Iraqis showed captured American service personnel on TV during the last two wars with the US, the Yanks just about hand an aneurysm. Hmmmmm

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Guest DashTrash

Hey NOY, did you see the way that they violated his inalienable “Human Rights” with that tongue depressor. Oh the horror, the horror......

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That's the down side to a democratic society, everyone, no matter how repugnant, is entitled to the same rights and due process.

The scariest thing happening right now is the amount of people being held without being charged in the interest of national security (and this is not just happening in the US)

I'm about as right wing as they come, and it's been said my neck is a tad red, however the direction the current US administration is leading the western world scares the bejeepers out of me.


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The whole world is in danger of loosing it's freedoms.

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow a subjected people to carry arms" Adolph Hittler 1938

So how long has Canada been subjected? (too much granola eh?)

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