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Reminder: What is a TROLL

Mitch Cronin

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...on the internet...

A TROLL is one who enjoys getting a lot of reaction.

A person who feels powerful by causing reaction, regardless of the kind of reaction.

One who isn't able, or doesn't want, to feel any empathy towards those who's reactions he's seeking.

A "power seeker" who probably has little or no "power" of the kind he craves in real life.

His posts display a callous disregard for the humans behind the text he reads.

The way to make him go away is to ignore him. As hard as that can be at times.

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Guest Lancaster

Mitch....I really don't respect some of the posters on this forum at all....and I could give a "rats you know what" if they respect my posts or column's for that matter. (My editor may and for that.....I do give a rats). However, yours....I do respect as well as a few others... My posts have nothing to do with the "humans behind the text". Don't confuse fact and straight forward talk with personal attacks. It is just fact that AC employees and management have for years and years down trodden....humiliated....laughed at and snubbed others in this industry, and attempted by any means possible attempted to ruin others careers, both management and employees alike. For this...there is a price to pay. Whether it be in the forum of continually being in the headlines or behind the scenes, what goes around always comes around....I've had mine, others have had theirs, now.....its AC's turn! I will....however, exclude yourself....as I stated previously, some....I respect.

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Well there you go sounding reasonable. What to think?

When you put things in that light, I can understand your intent. What still irks is your method. Surely there is enough truth to see in a bad light that you don't have to invent things?

The Russian business, you made accusations without evidence that have been refuted with plenty of evidence, yet you continued... This "payout" now.. you seem to be inventing a foul deal.

In several links you've posted over time, you either accent, or invent a foul slant in your header.

The inventions, and the ensuing reactions, are too much, and I believe they're helping to drive some decent people, who's thoughts and expressions of opinion are appreciated by many, away from here.

That's my beef.

Why not stick to truth for your criticism?

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To me TROLL is just a word which means nothing to me at all. The thing that humours me though is that by posting , that I will admit probably did not take very much thought by me, is somehow construed as to my intelligence or my moral and ethical makeup which is just sheer nonsense. How in the world can someone make a rational judgement on my character by a few posts here.

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Fair enough Mitch and by the way I really do enjoy reading your material and must say that your posts are well written and always "above board".

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